Chapter 8: Willy Wonka's Everlasting Gobstopper

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                                    CHAPTER 8: WILLY WONKA'S EVERLASTING GOBSTOPPER

Rosie managed to slide around the crowd of people waiting to make absentminded and meaningless conversation with her. Tony brought her to his annual Firemen's Gala; while the atmosphere and the people were absolutely gorgeous, she didn't feel so great. Nat had let her a beautiful dress that was long, black, sleek, and had a seamless skirt with a cream top that had two pleated layers to go along with the occasion. And although she felt beautiful, mostly because Nat had done her hair and makeup; she also felt like ticking time bomb just waiting to go off. There was something about large crowds of people who didn't actually care that made her increasingly uncomfortable.

Quickly a server rushed past her with a tray full of full champagne glasses, all Rosie had to do was reach out and grab two to help herself relax a little more. They worked just not to well. The beautiful dress felt like an anaconda that was sizing it's prey up for dinner. The room was spinning and her heart rate was rapid. It felt like she  definitely couldn't get enough oxygen, if she wasn't aware she would have assumed it was a heart attack.

As the next server rushed past, she grabbed two more glasses of champagne and moved over to a comfortable looking couch that was more importantly away from everyone. Across the room a tall black man in a military suit chatting idling saw her shaking and came over to the rescue, "Are you okay, ma'am?"

"Oh yeah," Her chest was rising and falling at rapid pace that suggesting otherwise but at least she was smiling. Though the room was also still spinning even with her eyes closed, and it wasn't because of the champagne. "Just a little out of place."

That most certainly didn't convince the man she was okay. If anything he was more worried about her now than before, "Do you need any help?"

"No I think after a few more bottles of champagne, the spinning will go away." She was attempting to cover her distress with laughter and it was mostly working as she added on, "Or maybe the champagne is reason everything is spinning."

It was easy for the army man to tell that she wasn't drunk yet, just that she wasn't feeling too amazing. He had seen this before and he knew the best way to help someone was to be there for them. "Can I get you anything?"

She had turned pale but her jokes kept coming like one of Willy Wonka's Everlasting Gobstoppers as a way to cope with the anxiety. "Sorry I'm actually taken tonight." After a dramatic pause she added, "And yeah he is just as big an ass as he sounds."

Even in the midst of a panic attack she was still making jokes and the army man couldn't help but laugh as he offered his hand to help her get away from the crowds, "Let me help you. I promise I won't steal you from your date." She seemed like a nice girl. In fact he was a little angry that her date just left her alone or even thought to bring someone with bad anxiety to a party filled with people. She was just a kid for god's sake.

"Yeah I guess that's better than hoping some champagne and a soft couch will fix everything." She grabbed his hand and he realized just how clammy she was. Her hands were like ice, sweaty icicles. "Sorry I'm probably really sweaty. You know those subconscious habits; sometime they cheat you out."

"No it's fine ma'am." He smiled and voiced his earlier question, "Who's your date?"

"Oh um Tony Stark," James Rhodes-- 'aka' Tony's best friend's-- eyes bugged out a little, even though this is most definitely something Tony would do. Sure James had hoped that maybe Tony would change and stop playing people but this just proved he was on that path. "The one who thinks he's the big honcho. Prick facial hair and way too much hair gel. You know him?"

Looks like Tony's met his match, Rhodes thought with a smile. At least she had some spunk. He just really didn't want her to feel the pain of being used. Even though he was Tonys best friend he still wanted to warn her about the games he played. "Yeah I know Tony. Although sometimes I wonder why."

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