Chapter 9: Sarah Palin's Glasses

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                                CHAPTER 9: SARAH PALIN'S GLASSES

 Though Tony was in the lab with Bruce, he couldn't carry on a real conversation because his mind was so preoccupied with thoughts of Rosie. Honestly it scared him that she was the only thing on his mind, but she captivated him. All he wanted right now was to spend every minute with her. How could he like her when they hadn't even kissed? The night before all they had done was watch movies then she had fallen asleep on his shoulder; just so you know she talked a little in her sleep, lots of things about blue aliens. Even though she looked young when awake, she looked worry free asleep. Her at peace made him at peace, the nightmare settled and even he was able to let go.

"Tony?" Bruce's voice snapped him out of the Rosie trance pretty easily. "Tony, are you in there?" As interesting as Dr. Banner thought the conversation on tachyons was, he could tell that Tony wasn't paying him any mind.

"Yeah." Shocked into the world, Tony pushed a hair through his perfectly coiffed hair, "Sorry I didn't get much sleep last night." Their movie marathon was amazing even though she guessed everything that was going to happen at the beginning of nearly each movie.

"I can tell." The dark circles under his eyes weren't the only parts that gave him the sleepless look.

When Rosie marched into the lab her hair was roughly thrown into a braid and covered with a knit hat, and she had her thick black rimmed glasses on. She looked tired. Really tired. "Sorry if I smell, I didn't really get time to shower. I was out late last night." From the similar sleepless appearances, Bruce pieced together that the two were together all night but didn't get the whole story until Rosie shot Tony as playful glare, "Someone wanted to watch Texas Chainsaw massacre all last night. I had nightmares. I'm still having nightmares." She pointed at Tony and sat down in a rolly chair, "I'm choosing next time; something Disney or Doctor Who not bloody chainsaws."

"About time you got here." She could have teased him the entire time but his mind would still be nonstop thinking about her. Was something wrong with him? He was Tony Stark for godsake! And yet when he thought about her on another date he got sparks. "And that's not going to happen. It's going to be Saw next time."

She looked at very surprised Bruce, who thought this date would go south very quickly, and winked, "They always think that." Then to Tony she laughed, "Boy! You're lucky I watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre the first time."

Reeling over her referring to him as a child, Tony just laughed, "Boy? I'm older then you."

That was true; there were quite a few years between them. "Shush. It isn't polite to talk about a Lady's age."

The room quieted down as a certain tension filled the air. Bruce and Tony had called her down, more Bruce then Tony, and she was pretty sure she knew why. The Doctor looked to Tony as if expecting him to speak up; meanwhile she just sat smugly in a chair. Then with a faux innocence she was the first to speak, "Yeah, what is it Tony?"

Unable to get past his pride, Tony just stood there with his arms crossed refusing to answer. So Bruce was the one forced to continue the conversation, "Tony has something to tell you."

"Really Tony?" She played coy with the most unrealistic surprise face she could manage, "You have something to tell me?"

"I didn't know you wore glasses," He said genuinely. Somehow he had never pictured her with glasses but they looked good.

Meanwhile Rosie thought her glasses made her look strangely like Sarah Palin and that was not a good thing. "So  you called me in here to tell me that you were surprised I wear glasses before you even knew that I had them?" She relaxed back in her chair and stopped rolling around, that when Bruce realized that she would never help unless Tony gave her the ten dollars he owed her. "Just ask for my help and pay up. It's not that hard."

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