Chapter 6: Winter is Coming

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                                    CHAPTER 6: WINTER IS COMING

Nat was seated on her close friend's bed as Rosie was picking out the clothes she was going to wear on the dinner with Steve. The two had missed each other and despite the fact they were still the closest thing each other had to friends even though they had been more than friends at one point and didn't talk much now. How they met? Well that was an interesting story for another time, right now they had much more pressing matters.

Rosie stuck her head out the bathroom door, "So Tasha tell me about this Clint person? You don't really talk much about him."

"That's for a reason." As Natasha replied, she slipped out of her normal spy persona and return to a much lighter mood. The young adult would occasionally slip out. Something that came out so rarely people assumed it didn't exist; something that made her enjoy time with her best friend all the more.

"That evasion doesn't work on me. Tell me about him. Now," Rosie glared for a moment before returning back to the bathroom to detangle some of the obnoxious knots in her hair.

"You're the one going on a date with Captain Rogers why don't you talk about that?"

"Haha funny. I'm just going to ignore that this time; you're not changing the subject talk about your relationship with this Clint character." Rosie came out in only a plaid shirt and her insulin pump in her hand. After all she was diabetic, they carry those. "I have to make sure no one treats you poorly."

"You know I always forget you're diabetic. I mean you hide that thing so well."

Natasha attempt to change the subject worked for a little while, Rosie didn't notice the switcharoo until half way through her response, "It's not that I try and hide it. It's just no one needs to... wait." She stopped buttoning up the shirt and stared at the super spy, "Hold up. You're trying to change the subject again. You're not getting out of this. We haven't been able to talk in so long. Come on."

It took one look into her puppy dog eyes before Natasha gave up and began to spill a little bit, "Well you know I wasn't working for SHIELD when we met?" Rosie nodded and moved back to the bathroom to pick up her jeans that were bunched into the corner. "Well he was sent to kill me but he made a different call. That's how I started working here."

"That's your definition of Clint. That's so boring. I was expecting to hear about his beautiful eyes and nice eight pack not how he didn't kill you," Rosie said with a laugh. This was the Natasha that Rosie knew. "I want to know about him and the only thing I learned in those two little sentences were that he has good taste--" She threw her head back and whined-- "Which I already knew because he's going out with you."

"We aren't going out."

"Sorry correction you aren't going out--" She grinned and shimmied her pants all the way on to button them up-- "yet." The determined look on Nat's face did nothing to stop or slow down Rosie's shipping. "You aren't going to win this fight. You might be able to beat me in some ancient form of martial arts but I can totally beat you at this and computers. After all I taught you all you know."

Ignoring the situation, Nat just shook her head gently and countered, "Get ready for your date."

"Am I not ready?" Rosie looked down and found that only half of her shirt was buttoned, "Okay maybe you're right." This was the forgetful side of her roaring it's weary head.  She seemed to need someone around to keep her on track. Honestly Agent Romanoff wondered how she lived alone for so long, "But I still want to hear about Clint. I need to know whether or not to threaten his life." Even though Rosie knew her threats would be idle against one of SHIELD's best agents, she had to try. It was the mantle of best friend/ex-lover she had to carry.

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