Chapter 14: The Real Awakening of Sleeping Beauty

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                                CHAPTER 14: THE REAL AWAKENING OF SLEEPING BEAUTY

The moment Rosie's eyes opened, she flew straight up, unaware of where she was and hyper aware of the needle in her hand. After determining that the bag was pumping pain medicine into her body, Rosie was free to look around the stark white hospital room. The only color in the room was on the people, the blanket that covered her, and the terrible upholstery pattern on the chairs. Clint was fast asleep in one of the two chairs, wearing a a black leather jacket and snoring loud enough to wake a comatose person. Then next to her Bruce was ironically wearing a green shirt under his doctor coat and some brown pants, like Shaggy. Zoinks. He was writing her vitals down and checking somethings when he noticed her.

"Oh hello." Bruce took his glasses off, folded them up, and packed them into his pocket, "Nice to see you awake."

"Where am I?" She understand it was a hospital but she didn't know where exactly and something about being in a SHIELD hospital made her uncomfortable.

"In a SHIELD medical base just outside of the city. You collapsed when Clint was holding you. It seems your broken pump continued to feed your body insulin when it wasn't necessary, so you lapsed into hypoglycemic coma." There was a disappointed look on Bruce's face as he got set his clipboard down on and asked, "Why didn't you tell us?"

"Tell you?" She was sure he was referring to diabetes but she didn't have any need to tell any of the Avengers, she had only known them for a week. The last thing she needed were all those stupid misconceptions when it was something that she was born with and dealt with every day.

The last way her new friends wanted to learn that she waas diabetic was through a health complication. "That you're diabetic." So yes, it was about the diabetes.

"I... I didn't think..." She faded off uncomfortably and looked at her disproportionately large hip under the thin sheets and old blanket. She could also feel the faint throbbing through the cover of heavy pain medication.

Address her clear concern Bruce pointed at her hip and explained, "You have an intertrochanteric hip fracture. It's not too bad but you still have a plate and screws. You had a surgery when you were stabilized." When he was done explaining that he noticed that her eyes kept flickering over to her sleeping cousin. There was a content smile to her face as she contemplated how she could tease Clint about his honk later. Meanwhile Bruce was the one to explain, "They're taking turns. Although none of them really leave. Even Thor will come and sit in sometimes."

She smiled, Thor and her didn't really talk but she felt the potential for a bond in there somewhere. One day they would bond for sure. But for no her mind raced to the thought of the dead egotistically billionaire, "Tony?" Hopefully he was one of the people who would stop by but she didn't get her hopes up, the lack of gravity wouldn't have pulled his suit through the wormhole.

"Yep." Bruce smiled, this was what he had been waiting for. He wanted to see her reaction but he didn't even have to look up, he could hear the heart monitor speed up.

"He survived?" The monitor was beeping like crazy and Rosie was trying not to think about it for fear of embarrassing herself further.

"Yep right as the portal closed he fell through. A little bruised but otherwise he's fine." Happy at her joy, Bruce clutched his clipboard and smiled, "It's nice to see you awake again, Rosie. We all missed you." Then he walked out, no doubt to tell the others sleeping beauty woke up.

As he closed the door Clint's train sounds stopped and he opened his eyes to blinked away the sleep, "Rose?" The first time he saw her he almost didn't believe it and ended up doing a double take, "R? Are you awake?"

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