Chapter 11: An Epic Tale of Two Soul Bonded People

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                                CHAPTER 11: AN EPIC TALE OF TWO SOUL BONDED PEOPLE

After being stitched, bandaged, and medicated in the Health Level of the Helicarrier, Rosie decided to take a little tour to see all the other hurt agents. She was trying to escape the fact that she had watched an great man died. In one of these rooms Natasha was tending to the love of her life and it was Rosie's goal to find which one. She heard through the SHIELD pipeline that Natasha and this Agent Barton went to town. After barging in to her fourth room and bumping into three overworked medical staff, Rosie was sure the next one would be her friend. What she didn't expect was to see a beautiful young cousin that she was severely missing.

The two spoke at the exact same time.



Then again at the same time, "What are you doing here?" Natasha walked out of the bathroom with a towel in her hand watching Clint and Rosie working at the same speed. Obviously they know each other but they didn't know what each other did for a living.

"No, what are you doing here?" They spoke like twins, said the exact same thing at the exact same time with the exact same reflection.

An amused Natasha stopped them abruptly by directing a question at Rosie, "I thought your brother's name was Mitchell?" Deep down she was really hoping that that Rosie just lied about her brother's name.

"C's not my brother." She grinned at Clint and clarified, "He's my soulmate." It didn't really occur that would scare Natasha.

And sure enough that made Tasha a little nervous considering she had spoken about Clint many times to Rosie. Noticing her nervous look Clint clarified, "We're cousins." When Clint joined Rosie's household, him and her committed some awesome shenanigans. They were more then cousins, they were partners in crime.

"Although sometimes I wish you were my brother. Mitchell can be a right pain in the ass," Rosie added with a huge grin. She was well aware what Natasha had thought so she shot her a whisper, "Don't worry I won't steal your man." At that a blush spread simultaneously across Tasha and Clint's face to which Rosie cracked up laughing.

"Just cousins," The master assassin managed through clinched teeth and a red face. He was going to kill Rose, even if that was a threat he made often.

Despite his glare, Rosie rushed over and pulled him into a huge hug, "I missed you." Then she sat up frantically, "Wait! You both just put me in such a compromise. Who am I supposed to threaten? C, my soulmate, or Tasha, my other soulmate?"

Both of them blushed again this time, Natasha decided to remove herself from the room, "I'll let you two talk." They obviously needed time, finding out your cousin was a part of a secret government agency was not a normal occurrence. On the other hand, finding your cousin in a government run building was just as abnormal. 

Pretty uncomfortable with the idea of his cousin wrapped up in this government nonsense, Clint narrowed his eyes, "So R why are you in SHIELD's Helicarrier?"

"That depends--" She leaned forward to mirror his scrutinizing gaze-- "I believe you've been referred to as a master assassin. When did that happen? How did this happen?" Now that she thought of it, it was kind of stupid that she hadn't realized he was the Agent Barton everyone referred to. How many people out there were master marksmen and had the last name Barton? She was guessing not many.

"I couldn't tell you." He sighed, this was not a conversation he expected to have, "I didn't want to put you or Mitchell into danger. I thought you might get hurt but it seems like you didn't need my help getting into trouble, like always." He reached up to bandage that was plastered to her forehead like a surrender flag. The few drops of blood that leaked worried him more than they should have and she removed his over protective hand from her injury, "You never had a problem getting hurt before."

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