"The Number One Hyperactive, Knucklehead Ninja Joins the Fight"

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  lolz am back getting work done now..anyways am going to be skipping parts and add flash back i think lolz....but other then that Enjoy take it away Iruka...
i do not own Naruto or anybody from them...i only own Luna Satan and the unknown pup
~Iruka voice comes out of noway~
"The Village Hidden in the Leafs. Many of the worlds greats ninja has come from this village....Naruto Uzumaki the older Twin of Luna Uzumaki his the number one prankers of the village.He also has his mind set to become the greatest ninja of all.......the Sexy Jutsu is one of tricks he make himself...*blushes*....But Naruto and Luna had a secret inside that they didn't know about but Luna know kami knows where she found out...*coughs* anyways 12 and a half years ago a Nine and Ten Tails and almost destroy our village. To safe us the beast's spirits were seal in the body of two newborn human children...Those children were no other then Naruto and Luna Uzumaki....The people in our village hate them because there knew what they carried inside them.... and with my approval Naruto became a ninja..Luna at the time was not in the village due to her training that Lord Hokage give her.. But come back as strong young girl even more then we think..She was they to see Her older twin brother pass...And he was ready for his ninja missions..This mission are carried out by a group of 3 but in this case 4. Naruto's group has Sasuke Uchiha of the Great Uchiha Clan. Sasuke skills pisses off Naruto till no stop...And the other member of this group is Sakura Haruno a young Female ninja but most of the time gets under Luna's skin to made her mad.." Iruka voice cut off..

"Damn right she pisses me off hi and don't forget she is a fangirl and goes GAGAGA over Ducky.which is eww and hurts my ears.. and she also like to beat up poor Naru-nii-san "Luna just appeared out of noway and told Iruka..

"Okay okay..and the last member is Luna Uzumaki like her brother she loves to prank and has her mind set on helping her brother to become Hokage one day...But our Sasuke may of took a liking to our young princess...the ninja in our village look up to her she maybe young but when angry she can destroy a whole village...anyways and to become a successful team all four of them have to work together to pass the mission.And the leader of this team is Kakashi Hatake known as The Copy Ninja..he is known for his great skills in the village..The groups first mission was to take a bridge builder home to the Land of Waves. But every thing goes wrong they meet a man Gato.. and has history with Luna.. and Zabuza and Haku also has history with both of then.. what would happen will they bit Gato or will one of our young ninja die" Iruka finished with at and Luna talked...

"Okay lets get this over with i want to see who died" Luna yelled at the Iruka...or Iruka's voice anyways..

"The Number One Hyperactive, Knucklehead Ninja Joins the Fight"

~3th pov~
Both Luna and Sasuke were in the Ice Dome covered in cuts and blood..nothing to bad..but Luna was kinda yelling at herself for wear cloths that showed to much skin..

"i hate myself right now for wearing cloths that shows skin" she whispered to Sasuke... she was holding one of her arms..Sasuke just give her a look...'WTF are you really doing this now'... naruto showed up and knocked Haku out of the mirror...

"Now that am here every thing is going to be alright.."Naruto yelled out

"Naruto" Sakura yelled out happy to see him..

"tch whore"Luna fell to her knees cause of the pain..and Sasuke hear her and smirked

"You know how in story's the hero would show up at the last min.then kicks ass..will that's what am going to do now BELIEVE IT" Naruto yelled out and pointed at Haku..

"Sasuke am going to get out of here and attack from the outside with a fire attack do the same in here when i say go got it" Luna whispers to Sasuke and started to crawl to one of the mirror's

"how do you think your going to get ou-" Sasuke whispered back but was cut off see Luna crawling under the mirror and sat at the outside. Looking at Sasuke with a smirk..he just Hn and looked away....while all this whispering was going on Zabuza was talking..

"Ah this brat again" Zabuza looked like he was about to kill someone (when doesn't he)

'Shut up Naruto' Sasuke told himself..

'What an idiot..if he would of stay hidden it would of been more effect' Kakashi was just like -_-'

'that boy' Haku looked at Naruto

"Alright your history Shadow Clone Jutsu" Naruto yelled out putting his hand together everybody look shocked the Zabuza throw Ninja stars at Naruto..

"No Naruto Move" Kakashi yelled at Naruto but the Stars were getting closer but then all you saw was a Red Flash go passes everybody and got in front of Naruto knocking the Ninja stars on the floor..but she can't hit the last one down and in bedded on her waist...

"Ah Naruto what am i going to do with you" Luna pulled out the ninja star out of her waist. and blood covered it..she growled at her wound..

"LUNA" everybody yelled...

"forget it..its a battle" Luna yelled at them

"Naruto are you crazy" Sakura yelled at Naruto and the wolf growled at Sakura..

"It is a battle not some kind of show don't let other people see you jutsus..and make so you move fast look at Luna..she got cut" Kakashi yelled.. Naruto looked like he just seen a puppy get killed..i grabbed his hand and putted him in a hug ( i know what you are thinking a hug in the middle of a fight just read)

"Forget it you fight how you know but make sure you always keep you mind on the battle if anything happens to me....no you know what never mind" Luna whispered in Naruto's ear......He looked confused at first then smiled

"Alright let kick ass" Luna and Naruto said at the same time...

"How did you get out of the mirrors Luna" Haku looked at Luna with a questionable look...Zabuza and Kakashi looked at us want to know too..

"hahah oh that will you see lets just say being able to move like an snake has its moments ya' know " Luna just laughed and rubbed the back of her head.....

"Zabuza let me fight this children my our way ....Please" Haku asked Zabuza not even looking at him but at use...

"Bring it on" Naruto yelled but Luna slapped her hand over her mouth..

"Shut up Naruto......Anyways we have to help get Sasuke get out of there." Luna growled..she whispered the last but for only Naruto can hear.....

"So you want me to leave this to you .. is that it Haku......as always your to soft" Zabuza told at Haku...

"will if i had to pick one of you two to kill me i would pick Haku over you Zabuza Sensei sorry" i looked at Haku then at Zabuza...

"over all you still call me Sensei Luna" Zabuza asked me...

"will Zabuza i don't forget bout the people that trained me......can we just start to battle"Luna looked ready to attack...

~time skip when haku goes back in the mirror cause all they do is talk....and Naruto runs in the mirrors~
~3th's pov~
"Naruto, Luna, Sasuke think you need to attack from the out and inside" told the three kids...Luna smirked

'yes Luna was right lets just hope Naruto follows' Sasuke Looked outside the mirror waiting for Luna's sigh

"i know Sensei.....Sasuke you re-" but Luna could finish cause she felt someone grabbed her and pull her in the ice dome... and sat in front of Sasuke....

"hi i came in here to safe you and i got Luna too be cool move haha Sasuke" Naruto looked at Sasuke then at Luna..*^*
"NARUTO YOU ARE BIG LOSER"Sasuke yelled at Naruto Luna was still possessing..
Possessing...... complete......loading to brain and arms..
"NARUTO IDIOT WHAT THE HELL DID YOU BRING ME BACK IN HERE FOR" Luna yelled at throw Naruto at one off the mirror.. Luna's hair was flying everywhere...

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS SO MAD ABOUT" Naruto yelled at them getting back up from the floor...
"WE HAD A PLAN GOD DAMN IT" Sasuke and Luna yelled out at the same time....

"THAT'S IT AM GOING TO DESTROY THERE'S MIRRORS "Sasuke yelled getting up and make fast hand sighs

"Fire style" Sasuke said.finishing his hand sigh
"hi was jutsu are you doing"Naruto asked Sasuke

"this mirrors are made out of ice and what destroys ice ...FIRE BALL JUTSU" Sasuke told Naruto and throw a fire ball at the mirror but what they didn't know.ever time they do something to the mirrors it happens to Luna's leg...

"IT DIDN'T DO NOTHING AT ALL" Naruto yelled out to Sasuke....

"you going to need much more heat then that..to melt this ice...and besides i don't think you want to attack it when it can hurt Lu-"Haku was cut off by Luna

"Haku shut up just let them do what they want" Luna growled at Haku and you can see the burn marks coming from her boot....Haku just started a new attack and a bright light and the three of them flew and got cut again. and fell to the floor with new cut and fresh blood falling out.

"where is he where are the needle attacks coming from we have to fine the real one is that" Naruto said and looked around looking at every mirror..

"look into very mirror as hard as you like you will never find its secrets" Haku told Naruto and he got really man Luna was just on the floor in pain with the burn mark under her boot..but she made sure to hide it from the boys..

"OH YEAH......SHADOW CLONE JUTSU" Naruto yelled putting his hand together..

"NO WAIT" Sasuke yelled at Naruto ..but it was to late Naruto'd clone flew and attacked the mirrors..but Luna let out a scream in pain.. then Haku killed all the clones..Luna was able to put her hand on her mouth to make sure that they heard her in pain...

"i couldn't break threw so what his not going to stop me..am not giving up am not going to lose to him...cause i have a dream and a little sister to take care off..and one day am going to be respected in my village...and give my sister a warm home where she is loved...My dream is to become Hokage.." Naruto yelled at Haku...Luna had tears in my eyes..

'Dreams' Haku through...

"it didn't want to become a ninja.it's painful...i don't want to kill you..but if you move forward i will have no chose..i will kill the kindness in my heart and full become a ninja and i will show no mercy to kill you..they is no moving back.. its bridge will our dream will crash into each other...and now i much fight for my dream just to fight like yours please to not feel bad for me.. i fight to help someone that i care about like you do..and for that dream i most act like a ninja and take your life" Haku finished his speech..Sasuke and Naruto smirked...and Luna a wolf smirk with her teeth showing and stand up with her hair flying everywhere... ( just like her mother am so proud of her)

"will if that what you want Haku....let hell beginning"Luna stand in between Naruto and Sasuke....


that was long what do you guys think....

Haku: am sorry Luna but it had to be done

Luna: its fine Haku i know how you feel to protect someone you love..

Haku and Luna : Stay toon for "Zero Visibility: The Sharingan Shatters" we hope you ENJOY

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