"A Dangerous Mission! Journey to the Land of Waves!"

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will here i am writing one more chapter thanks the Anime God so.. am sorry about my spelling and grammar am writing this as i go so am sorry if its not as good... anyways i do not own *stops and looks around sigh* Naruto or-

Sakura: shes doesn't own Naruto me or my sasuke-kun and-
Aria: SAKURA GOD FUCKEN DAMMIT AM DONE * walks to emo corner and sits there*
Luna:*sighs* Pinky why did you do that?
Sakura: will it looked like fun when naruto and kiba did it..heheh
Luna:*sighs* Aria only owns Me and Satan
Naruto and Kiba: ENJOY THE SHOW!!!
~Luna's pov~
"sasuke at point B"Ducky say
"Sakura at Point C" Pinky also said.. *sigh*
"Luna i kinda maybe something around life forgot what point am in.. but am going to be cool and say at point Z".. i say rubbing the back of my neck..

*sighs*that's all i hear from Ducky,Pinky and Kakashi-bear 'yes Kakashi-bear am calling him that got a problem.. who am i talking to"
"Naruto in Point A believe it" Naruto answered all late about it
"your slow Naruto, okay squad 7 mm..TARGET HAS MOVED FOLLOW IT" Kakashi bear sensei said..then i see a cat jump out of noway..
"kitty come here" i kneed down to let the cat come to me.. the kitty just walked up to me so i can pat his head.then i hear leaves moving to i picked him up and looked around.. and i hear kakashi bear

"MOVE" Kakashi sensei yelled and Naruto jumped on me and grabbed the cat.. so am now am the floor with Naruto on top of me and the cat killing him for grabbing him..
"does it have a red ribbon on the right ear" kakashi said in the head piece
"Yes its the match the missing cat" ducky say into the headpiece...
"AHH Luna what are you doing on the floor" Pinky said looking at me 'wow she just saw me am not that small am just 1 in short then Naruto'
"WILL I DONT KNOW PINKY YOU TELL ME WHY NARUTO JUMPED ON ME AND DOESN'T GET OFF" i yelled pushing Naruto off and took the cat away from Naruto and walked away..'am so done with this'
~Time skip at the Hokages buliding~
~Sakura's pov (about time)~
we just got to the Hokage's build and are his offices Luna just walked up to him and jumped on his desk to sit on it.

"Luna what are you doing get down from there"Kakashi sensei told her...but the Hokage told him it was fine for her to do the..'what why'
"Luna give the nice lady her cat now"Hokage said looking at Luna.. who was patting the cat.

"But Hokage the cat doesn't want to go back with her" Luna plainly said.

"Do you know why he runs walk he doesn't like the way you carry or hug hi. he said the he can't breath with you do that..thats way he runs he wants to live.. if you carry him more lightly he wouldn't run away and you would be saving money when your at it" luna jumped off the desk and walked to the Lady adn passed her the cat and showed her how to carry him..

"what just happen"i ask the boys..Kakashi and Sasuke-kun looked shock..while Naruto looked like Naruto..

"Luna had away with animals since i can remember when she didn't have no one to talk to she would go to the forest and talk to wolves" Naruto just said looking at..Her...'okay the is cool and kinda scary but mostly cool'

"Okay for team 7 next mission we have babysitting, walking dogs, help cle-" Hokage was cut of by NAruto yelling

"NO NO NO I WANT A REAL MISSION NOT BABYSITTING SOMEONES KIDS" Naruto yelled making a 'X' with his arms 'oh boy' i face palm
~time skip cause i can~
~Kakashi's pov~
i just watch Naruto fight with the Hokage to get a better mission 'i do agree with naruto doe'
"Fine so Naruto wants a better mission. am going to get you a rank C mission you have to escorting " Hokage said looking at Naruto..
"OH WHO A PRINCESS, A LORD,A-"Naruto yelled looking at The Hokage.
"claim down Naruto he will come in now.. let him in"Hokage yelled the last place and a man walked in smelling like sakee..
"what a brunch of brats are going to protect me and the short on with a idiot face"the man said
"hahah whos the one with a idiots face" Naruto and looked around ... Sasuke is the talls then Sakura, then Naruto and then Luna but luna sitting on the desk..
"AM GOING TO KILL YOU" Naruto run at the man..*sigh* but i grabbed him..
"Easy Naruto we can't kill the man we are have to escorting " i told Naruto will holding him back...
~Luna's pov~
*sigh*'this guy again'..
"what are you doing here Tazuna and what did i tell you about dranking old man" i said in a very cold and bitter voice.. the old man turned around slowly and went pale..
"a-ah Princess didn't see you there.. will you see am here to get escort to the land of waves" he looked at me and kneed down..'idiot why in front of them..i wonder why his here'
"*sigh* get up. you don't have to do that.. am a kid remember" i jumped off the desk.. and walked up to Naruto and grabbed his hand and started to walk out the door..
"in 1 hour get you things and come to the gates"Kakashi bear sensei . i nodded and walked out...

~Kakashi,Sakura, and Sasuke's mind~

~1 hour later walking out of the gate~
~no one's pov~
naruto started to freak and look around
"OH YEAH" Naruto jumped in the air and yelled..
"what are you excited about Naruto" Sakura asked Naruto
"its the first time i leave the village.. am a traveler now BEILEVE IT" Naruto looked around..Luna just smiled at her older twin
"hi am suppose to trust my life to this rut his a joke" Tazuna pointed at Naruto and looked at Kakashi
"Am a Jounin so you don't need to worry" Kakashi told him..
"he only has to worry about me not hurting him for talk shit to nii-san" Luna simply said beside Sasuke...
"Can we just leave already by the time you idiots or done fight its going to be night" Luna just started walking past Kakashi and the old Man and grabbed naruto..

~Luna's pov~
we walked for awhile and i saw a puddle and smiled ...'idiots' i started to jump up and down.
"Luna you are going to get wet" kakashi said looking back at me .
"your no fun Kakashi sensei" i told him and shaked my feet to get the water out of my shoes ( )
'pup danger' the husky voice said..
'wow now you talk to me i was trying to talk days ago' i yelled in my head
'sorry pup i was thinking' be careful on this mission i swear not to leave you again...
'its-' i was cut off but 'Kakashi' getting cut in piece..

"KAKASHI SENSEI" Sakura and Naruto yelled in fear.....then two weird ninja appeared be hide Naruto and started to laugh..
"now its your turn" the both of them started to throw the weapon right for Naruto.. Ducky and i jumped.. i throw ninja star and pin the chains on the tree. then a kurai to make it pin both star and chains.. Ducky jumped on they arms and grabbed and pulled the chains off..
'tch show off'' a growl said.
then the ninja run from both sides one was going for Naruto and the other was going for the old man and Pinky.
"Sasuke" i said and looked at Pinky.. and he nodded.. i jumped in front of Naruto but i didn't have time to stop the attach it went though my left side.. i growl and grabbed his arm and pulled it out and throw him to a tree and walk up to him slowly.
"L-Luna B-blood" i hear Naruto say looking at the floor with my blood is at..i got in front of the ninja and pulled out a sword out of no way and pointed it at the ninja's neck..
"tell me why are you attacking us" i asked in a cold voice.
"w-we w-were payed to by Gato wants the builder" his voice started to shake.
"Luna i got them now don't worry" kakashi walked up to me and grabbed him and tied them to a tree.i walked up to the rest of my team and looked at Naruto' i don't see any blood on him,he should be fine'...
"Hi brother the girl in the bingo book" i heard one of the ninja's talk..i hope no body heard them...
"HAHA that's right brother" the other guy answered he laughed out loud and my team turned to see why and Sensei and the Old man to.
"That blonde girl your with shes a killer... the last person she trained with the guy that killed his who-" he didn't finish cause there was a sword though his neck.....
"BROTHER YOU BITCH WHAT DID YOU DO" he yelled at me... i walked to the dead ninja and pulled my sword out of his neck..
"your bother should of shut up about me" i told him walks away with my eyes covered..
"The Only Black Wolf or The Red flash of the leaf....Princess of the Leaf..you live up to your name kid."he said laughing.. i walked away with water coming from my face i walked past my team.. i forgot that i was wounded.. intill someone grabbed me.
"where are you going your bleeding and badly".. a voice said i look up to see Sasuke looking as my wound..
"just let go Sasuke i would be fine" i told him trying to take my arm away from him... key word 'trying' but i lost to much blood am weak..
'pup am working on healing you but you need to rest' the husky voice said
'thank you satan' i said in a sleepy voice. .
my eyes started to close..
"Luna are you okay" that sound like kakashi bear..
"Am fine i just need to rest.. am healing and am sleepy so don't worry. Oh and one more thing take care of me when am asleep Sasuke" and when i finished everything went black and fell.

~Sasuke's pov~
"Am fine i just need to rest..am healing and am sleepy so don't worry. Oh and one more thing take care of me when am sleeping Sasuke" after she finished that she fell..i catched her and carried her i blushed at what she said..
"Sasuke to you want me to carry her" Kakashi Sensei said walking up to me..
"no it fine shes not that heavy" i started to walking...
"teme if you do anything to my sister i will kill you" Naruto said quitely walking up be side me.. and took her bookbag off and took out a sweater and put it over her pale fine skin.. 'what am i thinking'.

~~~~~~~~~~~~♡♡~~~~~~~~~~~~☆☆~~~~~~~~~~~~~will it took all day to finish this .. cause i had to clean and go shopping for things lolz ... anyways am making this story as i go sorry if it doesn't make none since am sorry ... am half way asleep to lolz Naruto say the thing..

Kakashi: Aria doesn't own any characters from Naruto only Luna and Satan..

Naruto: Kakashi sensei she said i can...

Aria and Luna and Sasuke: sigh

Sakura: Enjoy the next Episode and i can't remember the name ..

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