Pass or Fail: Survival Test...

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Luna and Kakashi: *sigh*
Sakura: oh boy here we go -_-*
Sasuke: Idiots Enjoy *walks away*
~Luna's pov~
i got up at 4;40am.. not wanting to wake up but i cant go back to sleep..'am going to kill Kakashi for making us go early and him being late as hell'.. i walk to the bathroom and showered almost falling asleep again but my face hit the wall so yeah that didn't work after a good 10 mins in the shower got out and walked to my room to pick out my outfit () putting my hair in a half side ponytail feeling lazy.. i walked into Naruto's room and face palm onto the floor.. i looked up to see his room is a mess..' NOTE MAKE NARUTO CLEAN THIS ROOM'

NARUTO YOU HAVE TWO SECONDS TO WAKE THE HELL UP.. i was mad 1. waking up early 2. falling and my face kissed the floor to my brothers trash room.Naruto just jumped out of bed and yelled..

"AM UP AM UP BELIEVE" Naruto said really fast and fell on the floor asleep.. -_-* *sigh*
Naruto am going to get ramen to u want some.. i said waking out of the room going to the living room..i waited '3...2...1'
"RAMEN RAMEN I WANT SOME" he yelled and run in the living room already changed and ready to go....
oohhhh okay let go get ramen then. i was walking out of apartment but Naruto had to look at the clock.
"AHH WE ARE LATE LUNA ITS 5:10 LETS GO" He yelled and grabbed my arm and run as fast as her can.. after locking the door..

~time skip at the training ground~
so we run .. let me clear that up Naruto run all the way here with me flying be hide him like a god dammit flag ..
"WE ARE HERE" Naruto yelled and stopped and let go of my arm and i just fly to a tree..'will world it look like am dieding like this and not on a mission'.. i was wait to hit the tree but it never came..i opened my eyes to see a navy blue shirt... i look up to see Sasuke holding me
"You idiot you throw your sister right for the tree" Sasuke yelled at Naruto.. my face started to heat up and my heart started to beat faster..'whats happening to me am i getting sick?' i put my hand on my heart.. then i remember i was still in sasuke's arms.

Ahh Sasuke can you put me down now am fine.. i was blushing looking i away.. then sasuke just looked at me and red race cross his face.
"hn". ducky put me down and put his hand in his pockets loooking away..
"OH MY GOD LUNA AM SO SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO DO THAT I SWEAR" Naruto yelled and started to shake me really hard.. i was getting really super dizzy..

ahh Naruto stop s-shaking me am going to puck...i tried to tell Naruto key word 'tried' to tell him and will that didnt go as planned then i pucked on Pinky will i wish.. someone pull my away from Naruto.. i jumped away from the person and run to the bushes and will pucked my heart out...
"Naruto look what you did to your sister" pinky yelled.. and walked up to me and hold my hair back and patted my back.
"AM SORRY LUNA ITS JUST" he didn't finish cause i stopped him.

Its fine Naruto it happenes.. thank you Sakura.. i told her with a weak smile..

"hi we may not like each other that much but i know you care about your hair" pinky smiled at me..'she may not be that bad maybe if she started fangirling and trained she can become on heel of a ninja'

Anyways am just going to sit down for a little bit.. i walked under a tree and sat down. Then Naruto layed his head on my lap i bushed his hair..
"Lu-chan sing a song for me the one wind" Naruto look up to me..
okay it wont hurt Kakashi its here yet .. i closed my eyes to remember the words and the i remembered ( love song)

Cultivate your hunger before you idealize.
Motivate your anger to make them all realize.
Climbing the mountain, never coming down.
Break into the contents, never falling down.

My knee is still shaking, like I was twelve,
Sneaking out of the classroom, by the back door.
A man railed at me twice though, but I didn't care.
Waiting is wasting for people like me.

Don't try to look so wise.
Don't cry 'cause you're so right.
Don't dry with fakes or fears,
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end.

You say, "Dreams are dreams."
"I ain't gonna play the fool anymore."
You say, "'Cause I still got my soul."

i feel the wind and leafs dancing to the song..

Take your time, baby, your blood needs slowing down.
Breach your soul to reach yourself before you gloom.
flection of fear makes shadows of nothing, shadows of nothing.

i look around saw Naruto with his eyes closed, Sakura was kinda cry, and Sasuke was thinking. i moved my hand around and the water was dancing with the song Sakura Naruto and even Sasuke look surprised.

You still are blind, if you see a winding road,
'Cause there's always a straight way to the point you see.

Don't try to live so wise.
Don't cry 'cause you're so right.
Don't dry with fakes or fears,
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end.

'Cause you will hate yourself in the end.
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end.
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end.
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end.

"HOW DID YOU DO THAT" Naruto and Sakura yelled.

will i- .. i was cut off by kakashi showing up..

"That was a beautiful song Luna" Kakashi said with a smile.i looked at him
"YOUR LATE" Naruto and Sakura yelled..
"ah will you see there was is black cat in my way so i took the long way"Kakashi rubbed the back of his head..
"LAIR" they yelled i just -_- didn't get the joke.. 'what did he mean he had to go the long way to past a cat was the cat like a titan oh what?'

Ahh kakashi i have a question.. i told kakashi

"yes Luna what is it" he smiled at me .

will you see when you said you had to take the long way to get past the cat was the cat big like a titan???... i look questioningly at Kakashi..
Kakashi just sighed at me and said forget about it 'but i want to know what he means' everybody just looks at me like am stupid..
"All right the clock is set at noon all you three have to get this two bells" Kakashi told them holding two sliver bells
"what about Luna Kakashi sensei" Sakura asked
"will you see Luna took this text years back and passed and besides i don't think she's going to do much she going to try and solve the question she asked me" Kakashi sigh and looked at me i was sitting down and drawing a big cat like a titan a small kakashi trying to see what here mean..

~time skip.. will Luna is a little stupid but cute ~
~okay at this point kakashi is giving them a change not to feed naruto and will Luna stay can not get the joke poor luna~
~Sasuke's pov~
Kakashi Sensei just told us not to feed Naruto or we fail.. And Luna was still drawing on the floor' does she not get it or something'
"I GIVE UP THIS FUCKEN SHIT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO SOLVE" Luna just yelled out loud and walked be side me and eat the food that was on my crop sticks .
w-what are y-you doing.. 'crap my voice' i felt my cheeks heat up...

"Am sorry i was hungry and be sides that's the whole answer to this stupid thing helping a team mate so you better feed Naruto Kakashi is watching" she said quietly 'shes right'
"Sakura feed Naruto" i just simply said and she just did it without fighting.. and will i started to feed Luna.. and i started to blushes really badly 'GOD DAMMIT'.. luna smiled and eat what i feed her.. and she look up and had rice on the side of her lip..'shes so beautiful what am i thinking i have to kill him i don't have time for this.. '

"YOU BROKE MY RULES I TOLD YOU NOT TO FEED NARUTO WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY" Kakashi come out of no way with clouds all around him..
"y-you said we have to act like one" Naruto said
"yeah all four of us are one"Sakura said

And be sides we can't fight you with one of our team mate with out energy.. i said simply

" YOU YOU pass" Kakashi yelled then said with a smile.
"starting tomorrow team 7 starts real ninja missions" He said smiling and looks around.
"Ahh guys where did Luna go" sensei asked.. we all just looked around for her..
"KAKASHI I DIDN'T GET WHAT IS THE ANSWER" Luna jumped on Kakashi back trying to get answer..

'This is going to be very fun to watch'

ANYWAYS.. i don't own nar-

Kiba: Aria doesn't own any characters of Naruto...only Luna and Satan..


Luna And Sasuke: oh boy your idiots... *look at each other and blushes*

Kakashi: Stay toon for "A Dangerous Mission! Journey to the Land of Waves!".... Aria don't attack Kiba *runs to stop her*

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