"Sasuke and Sakura: Friends or Foes?"

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If you are reading this that mean my story is not as bad lolz.. anyways thanks for reading means a lot guys .. ENJOY!!!
~Luna's pov ~
'so today is the day i see nii san again fun!' I was getting ready to go to school i eat, showered, brushed my teeth and pick out my outfit.. ( outfit ).. but i let my hair down because it was wet..

'i wonder if Naruto will remember me i don't think i changed that much' looked at the mirror...

'Pup you look fine don't worry about it to much he will remember you.. how can someone forget a pup like you' a deep husky voice said in my head..

'I just your right Satan anyways want to come out but in pup form' i said him

'that will be great am getting bored in here' Satan answered..

~Naruto's Pov~
I was already in the class room and sitting down with my head on the table... thinking..

"What are you doing here Naruto this is not for drop outs its for people that passed" Shikamaru said stopping to where i was..

Oh yeah do you see this do you see this open your eyes Shikamaru its a Leaf ninja headband it looks like we are going to be training together.. i told him.. but after i say that i hear a very loud noise coming close.. Sakura and Ino raced in..

'Sakura she looked at me and smiled' i blushed Sakura run up to me.. ahh

HI Sakura i . i didnt even get to finish cause she pushed me aside..

" MOVE NARUTO! good morning sasuke do you mind if i sit next to you" sakura asked then Ino walked up to her and gradded her arm..

"move it forehead am going to sit by sasuke not you" ino yelled at Sakura ... then i whole bush on girl walked over and started to fight over the Teme ...

'whats so great about him.' i started to get mad at this.
~Hokage's pov~
"so thats Naruto Uzumaki" a ninja with sliver hair asked...

Yeah that is him. i answer look at the clear ball

' i wonder where Luna is at'
~Luna's Pov~
i walked around the village for the academy to start but i messed up and got lost to in the village and it took me a long time to fine the school.*sigh*
'why do i always get lost in this place' i ask myself.

'pup you are going to later if you to go on' i look at the small puppy in my arms

CRAP !!!!! i started to run to the building..
~5 mins later~
i saw the buliding.. 'will for sure Iruka is going to yell at me for being later on my first and last day in the academy'

i jumped on the tree by the windom and when i open it and put Satan on the floor i saw....
Naruto kissing Sasuke.

~NAruto's pov~
i jumped on the table in front of Teme and stared at him
'whats so great about this guy sasuke ,sasuke what is i don't thing his so great' i just keep staring at sasuke and sasuke staring back (SHIP)
but out of no way i was pushed in from be hide and i end up kissing sasuke,,,

i thing am dieding help me..i grad my neck...

i started to hear somebody laughing i turned around to see a girl with blonde hair and red tips.. it was.

L-Luna is that you..i got up and walked to her..she was just laughing really hard and was rolling on the floor laughing. and puppy was by her..

~Luna's pov~
i just started to laugh really hard and feel on the floor laughing like i never laughed before..
"L-Luna is that you" i hear Naruto said .. i just noded and i was laughing holding my side cause there hur..
"Danger" i hear Naruto say..a whole bush of girls were around Naruto.. a girl in pink her was about to punch Naruto.. and i jumped in and graded her fist and throw her to the wall...

TOUCH HIM AND I WILL KILL YOU GOT IT!!!.. I growled like a wolf...

" who do you think you are and coming here we don't even know you" fan 1 said
"and besides there are a lot of us and one of you we can beat her" fan 2 said

And that is where you fucked up.. i said and looked at the puppy beside me it started to growl really loudly and turned into a horse size wolf..

"What is that" the girls yelled...

Easy Satan we cant kill them not yet anyways.. i walked up to Sasuke and sat down..

Satan come... i called a horse size wolf to come and sit on the table in puppy form..i looked at the ceiling and winked and layed down..
'there goes making friends'*sigh*.... 'Granny i swear am going to kill you for keeping me for so long'.. i look up and see Naruto walking over to me and sit beside me and hugged me.. i hugged back..

"i-its n-nice to see my little sister again you were gone for at less 6 years 6 long alonely year" Naruto say and crying a little.

'his right i was gone almost 6 years and he was alone and so was i ... i was also alone with no one to talk to.. i had granny nee san and tonton. but thats different i needed my twin i need Naruto'.. i hugged back not wanting to let go..

~Hokage's pov~
Like always his in the middle of fights *sigh*..i told the jounin in my office..' will at less Luna was there to stop them from hurting him'...
everybody looked at the clear ball in my desk and saw Luna and her wolf growl at the girls..*sigh* 'what am i going to do with her'..

"Lord Hokage that girl she just winked at us. how does she know we where watching them." the lady in red asked me..

"oh yeah i forget that Kurenai is new here and never met Luna" my son Asuma said

"will you see Kurenai that are little Younthful Princess of The Leaf" Gai said making one on his poses

"i didn't even know she come back, but what is she doing in that its she a higher level then then" the sliver haired man said.

Kakashi that's right but she wants to be with her brother..'she indeed grow stronger, but that wolf its red marks....Could it be'

~time skip cause am bored lolz~

~Luna's pov~
Iruka just walked in the class to tell us our teams....
"alright we put blah blah blah blah with high and low students to blah blah blah"Iruka was talking and i heared blah and then i started to see pandas dancing infront of his face 0_0+....'ahhhh am going crazy' i rudded my eyes and looked to the front and saw no dancing pandas....

"Team 7 is Naruto Uzumaki , Sakura (pinky) Haruno " Iruka said Naruto jumped out of his sit cheering and pinky hit her head on her desk replay saying am doomed.. i just titled my head side confused on there actions...

"and Sasuke Uchiha.....And Luna Uzumaki this team is going to have four team mates cause Luna just come back" Iruka said with a smile and waved at me and i waved back..

"alrigh-" Iruka didnt even get to start or finish cause Naruto yelled....

"Sensei why does any great ninja like me has to be on a team this teme over here" Naruto yelled out and pointed at Sasuke..

"Will Naruto u had the lows grade on your text and sasuke had one of the good grades" Iruka told him..

"But sensei the what is she doing here blah blah blah blah shes like Naruto.. shes even lower the Naruto is" Pinky said i only listern to some of it and i hear her talking about me being lower then Naruto..'SHES DIE!

"i dont even thing she cares being a ninja shes unless a-" she did't finish cause she flow to the back of the room making a hole in the wall..

WHO ARE YOU CALLING UNLESS U STUPID FANGIRL AM GOING TO K-.... i didnt finish cause Naruto and Iruka pined me down..

GET OFF OF ME AM GOING TO KILL HER... i growled very loudly i felt burn on my back of my body...( that is on her back it only shows when shes mad )

"NARUTO GET MY THE NEEDLE IT ON MY DESK" Iruka yelled holding me down.. Naruto run to his desk and looked for the needle and run back to Iruka and give him the needle who pushed it on my neck.

" sorry Luna its for your own good" He said and everything went black............

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Long a@$ chapter sorry swear to keep it short anyways Luna almost kill Sakura which am okay with sorry Sakura Fans love u all doe...
anyways i do not own Naruto or any characters from this anime.. TT^TT i only own Luna And Satan

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