Before Reading...

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Hello, this is an extra book that, I decided to write long ago. It is now complete. I know it seems un-finished, but I really have no other ideas for it. I didn't really plan it - which was a huge mistake. Writers should always plan their characters which I clearly didn't do. I had a writers block and didn't update for a while. Planning stories is always so important because otherwise you don't know what to write about. Yes, the grammar and punctuation could be better; but this was my first story on wattpad. I know, it's not perfect; but I was doing my GCSE's. 

The cover is made by Bel Watson. I've always admired her work. I've read, her series several times and I really encourage you all to go and read them. The way she writes the lad's POV's is how I picture them in real life. I've been with her ever since I was first new to wattpad and it's all I ever read: Bel Watson's series. She has 21 books and over 83,000 million followers. Yes, I am a massive fan.

Many people have said that they like this book, and I'm so grateful for the votes. I appreciate that it may not be great, but I tried my best. So, I hope you enjoy it.

Some Rules:

1. Do not copy this story to any where else. Please don't! I've worked so very hard with this story and I would appreciate it if you would ask me first if you wish to have this translated in another language. I would be mortified if I found my book on another site without my consent. 

2. Do not promote your own stories on my chapters. It is rude and it is not the place to be promoting your own writing. There are other clubs, on wattpad, for this soul purpose. You can also use tumblr as a promoting source. 

3. Please do not copy any of my ideas. This story is my own idea and I would appreciate it if you wouldn't copy. This is illegal.

Happy reading, Katie Harrison xxx

Never Let Me Go (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now