Chapter 4 ~ Hasty Retreats

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Chapter 4 – Hasty Retreats

It had been an hour since I had been at Starbucks and to be honest. I was missing my coffee. The last I saw, of it, was when I dropped it -on the table-, and ran out of the café door. This boy owed me a coffee and he needed to know that.

Nevertheless; in this moment, we were in the van. The boy's little sister was cradled in my arms,  and the he was sat across, from me, taking her hand in his. The way he looked at, his little sister, was caring. It looked like he was willing to take a bullet and that was admirable. I had respects for him; but I didn’t know why she ran out into the road, in the first place. I didn’t even know her name. 

“What’s her name?” I asked him and he looked up at me with, worry in his eyes.

“Faith” he answered.

I kept on wondering why she was by herself, at the time of the car crash - and, why the fuck wasn’t he with her. But she was beautiful and her delicacy matched her appearance. She was a spitting image, of the boy, and you could totally see that.

“She’s beautiful” I whispered, looking down at Faith. I was proud that I had learnt her name.

I felt a shiver run down my back bone as the boy was looking at me. I wasn't looking at him; but I could feel the intensity. 

Suddenly door opened and I jumped. It was the body guard. Carefully; I un-buckled my seat belt and pulled Faith, closer, to my chest. I supported her head, so that she didn't look so lifeless. It felt so right having her in my arms; that I never wanted to let her go. It felt as though it was my duty to protect her and you would of been mad trying to take her off me. I knew that the boy knew where my loyalities laid and that wasn't going to chang

Moving swiftly out of the van - I could still hear her breathing and her chest rising. I couldn’t wait for her to be healthy again and see her running around, like a toddler should be.I wanted to see that moment and the boy wasn't going to stop me, even if I was just a stranger.

The body guard led us up to the entrance where the boy had one hand, on my back. I found the building very initimidating as it's rich and elegnat features showed off, in the sunlight. The building itself, was 10 meters above the lamppost and it was even taller than the proper company sign. The walls engraved deep outlines of the bricks and the sign, for the company, (Oasis)  was stretched across the front: in big, capita,l letters. 

The body guard led us through, the door.

Walking in, I noticed that there was more than one body guard, surronding the area. (There seemed to be five of them). The soft music was playing, in the background and it gave you a warm sensation, to make you feel welcome. However; I was focused on the tough guys. I didn't like the chills that they gave off and I didn't like their body language. They looked too stiff, for my likings.

Suddenly, one of the body guards - began to relieve their stiff position and walk towards me. I was confused, for a second; but then I realised, that they were going to take Faith away from me. I thought I had already claimed her? My heart raced and my pulses rose, I was angry.

 “No!” I bellowed at the guard, but he ignored me and continued to approach me. I didn't trust him, in the slightest.

“It’s OK. This body guard knows how to treat people” Liam reassured me taking his hands off my back.

“FUCK OFF! NO, HE DOESN’T! He doesn’t have an A* in: Health & Social care, Human Biology and medicine; do you big guy?!” I screamed at him and he only stood there crossing his arms, not caring that I just screamed in his face.

Was this a solider a camp or something?

I was so angry that no-body trusted me, to treat Faith. I knew exactly what to do and this body guard didn’t even know what he was doing. He looked dumb-founded and confused and he needed to leave me alone. He was invading my space.

I was stunned as no-body had arrested me, for screaming, in front of a body guards face. I couldn't believe it.  I turned to the boy and gave him a big smile. He was shocked; but he turned round to  Paul. He was going to take me, to a room, where I could treat Faith. Thank fuck, for that I said mentally.


A/N: Did you like this? Yes, No? Tell me! I love to hear your comments and I always reply! I know I haven't in the past; but sometimes I practise my instruments for a whole day and I don't get the chance!  

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