Chapter 11 ~ Terrifying Tragedies

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A/N: I have just realised that the chapters are quite short and they contain terrible cliff hangers. I'm sorry! I will try to make them longer, I promise. It depresses me when I leave cliff hangers. I cry for hours. I hope this is long enough, for your likings. (Sorry, I've updated early. It was because my laptop died and I'm trying to make it up for you!  - forgiven?)

P.S Thank you for your lovely comments on the last chapter! I love you all! dedication: @Tonioverthetop because she corrected me on a mistake and I like that :) Make sure it's your dedication on the next! Love you hear from y'all. Now, sit back and relax!!

Chapter 11 ~ Terrifying Tragedies 

My head was spinning and my ribcage was in agony. My ribcage was dying out of pure, stamina, failure and those strong pulses were rising to something out of the unknown. My heart beats were thumping against my chest; like a fucking crazy horse. And, I didn't know how much longer I could cope. I wanted to know if I would get home tonight. I wanted to know if my disires -for my bed-, were still going to be accomplished. I wanted to know if my life was in danger or not. I... I... I just wanted my bed!

I was scared, in this very moment. And, I wanted to scream! The urge was too strong and, I knew I wanted to scream at Liam. He wasn't doing anything wrong; but he was the closest person, without doubt. He was the closest person -to scream at- but I just couldn't do it. It was like something was knocking -inside of my head-, telling me to wake up and get on with it. But I didn't have the urge to and I felt sorry, for myself. 

The devil kept tempting me, to scream, but I didn't want to. The little voice -inside my head-, was making things so much worse and I didn't like how it was using me at it's advantage. I had enough lungs to scare the shit -out of people-, and I wasn't using this oppertunity. I was limiting myself and I was scaring myself for that reason. This wasn't like me, at all. 

Fuck the grip, though, I wasn't strong enough! The seats weren't doing me any good as they were leather. And, leather seats were crap in these situations. I was going to die any moment as the piercing sounds, of the bus, continued. Say your prayers now I said,  mentally. 

I swivled round, to Liam, and saw that he had his seat belt on. The fucker. He could survive this shit! 

I couldn't believe how much the mini-bus was throwing us around. And I just wanted to get out; regardless. I wanted to open those doors and jump, even though I didn't have the guts. I didn't have the guts to kill myself -just like I didn't have the guts to scream-, and that was the saddest thing. I depressed myself, in this moment, because I really couldn't and that voice -inside of my head-, wasn't helping either. I was melting inside my own mind.

"Hold on!" Liam shouted and just then: I took my hands and pulled him towards me, burying my face in his chest. I didn't care how complicated things would end up afterwards, I just wanted to be safe. I needed a shield and a knight. I needed someone who was going to protect me and Liam was the very person. He was the one next to me and I was just obeying orders, he told us to 'hold on' and that is what I was doing!

A few minutes later, the piercing screeches and rattling noises, came to an immeadiate halt. We had stopped! Harry and Louis tumbled over and found themselves on top, of each other; like dominos falling down; one after the other. My hands were still gripped on, to Liam, and I didn't bother to move them. I didn't need to yet.

"Fuck" Harry said, trying to heave himself up.

We all jumped as Paul opened the door. I still didn't move my hands away from Liam's chest. He was protecting me and I liked it too much for where I was.

"Paul. What the hell was that? Were you trying to kill us?!" Louis asked scrambling to his feet. He straightened himself up and lunged for his Ipod. "My baby!" he screeched. 

Paul just stood there looking at his phone, not saying anything. I wanted to know what was going on. I wanted to know if I was going to see my bed tonight. My cravings were un-real and they kept on growing every second.

"Paul!" Liam said and I jumped. I had forgotten that Liam was sat next to me and I let go imeadiately, regretting that I was holding onto him so tight.

What was I thinking?

"We're at Alex's house, don't worry. You'll have to go round the back. No questions, no answers. Just go" Paul said darkly. A shiver went down my spine as something cold and fearsome was in his voice.  I could see worry -in his brown eyes-, and that only made me feel more insecure. It made me feel weak.

Picking up my bag, I got out. Followed by: Harry, Louis and Liam.

Once we were outside, I found my legs wobbling. My heart was thumping -against my ribcage-, and I experienced a blood rush, to my head. I was so dizzy that I even felt sick. My heart was thumping louder and louder; which made my stomach twist, in return. I felt myself falling. Falling until I was caught in some -familiar-, arms, behind. I was safe.

"Smith" I heard a familiar voice behind. My body just couldn't take it anymore. My vision was blury and I shut my eyes. Failure was such a bitch.

"Smithy, can you hear me?" that same familiar voice said. 

"Quick, get her into the house" another said and I felt myself been carried.


A/N: Did you like? Yes, No? Let me know! I love to hear your comments! I don't get offended when people correct me and I know that they're a lot of mistakes in here. It'll be great to hear your opinion. Leave suggestions if you want. I reply to comments!

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