Chapter 7 ~ Forced

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Chapter 7 –  Forced

The same question was still longing in my mind. Why did I go out into the road, in the first place? – that could have been anyone lying there; but I decided to help a stranger.

No answers came forth and surrendered themselves and I was stuck with the same question. It was as if was winding round my head like a rope and you couldn’t un-tie it un-less you knew how to. It was killing me by the absolute second and I didn’t know what I was going to do about this. I couldn’t just tell Liam because we had only just met and it would be weird!

 “Hey, do you want to help me put Faith to bed?” Liam said as we packed the last of her toys away.

“She’s sleeping… here? At… the studio?” I asked crossing my arms.

He chuckled and shook his head, implying that she slept somewhere else. This -I thought- was sensible. She couldn’t possibly be left at the studio by herself. What if something happened to her… again?

“No. We get her changed, feed her and then Paul takes her to my aunt’s house, for the night” Liam said and I suddenly felt more relaxed.

Thank God she would be staying with a relative because otherwise, I would be rejecting any other suggestions. I couldn’t imagine Faith getting hurt again and it was painful to think about.

“Oh right” I said straightening myself up.

As I looked at Liam, I saw that he now had Faith in his arms. She was laughing and putting her fingers up her nose. Liam kept on squealing like a girl and he was jumping retardly, in all the right places. It was fun to watch because Faith was so happy and I didn’t want to let that go, I wanted to see her smile.

“Did you still want to get changed? You kind of ignored my mates when they offered you clothes” Liam said re-positioning Faith, to his chest. I shook my head -in response- and then he spoke.

“You’ve got blood everywhere. Louis has got: dungarees, a Jack Wills top and a beanie that you can wear. There a little big, but you wouldn’t be in them for long” Liam said trying to reason with me.

“I can’t wear his clothes, I’m a size eight!” I protested but Liam shook his head and held up his hand.

I was really hoping that I wasn’t going to have to wear Louis clothes because I was fine by wearing my own. It’s not like I carried round a whole new outfit; but in this situation. I had no other choice.

As I was about to accept the offer, the brown-haired walked in. Louis, I remember his name being. Looking at his hands, he seemed to walking with a bag of clothes. I guess I had to change into whatever was in there.

 “No arguing. Toilets. Get changed. Now” Louis snapped and he pushed me out of the door.

It seems I had no choice; but to accept his offer. We walked in silence as he led me up to the ladies toilets and it took forever. We walked through: four double doors, two flights of stairs and two more double doors; until we finally reached the ladies toilets. Breathing heavily, I clutched my chest; trying to make myself calm down.

“You have some stamina for a girl… how old are you?” Louis asked and I was offended.

“I’m sixteen!” I cried out.

“Ok, ok! I was only asking! Anyway, I don’t even know your name” he said and I stuck out my tongue.

“ I’m Katie Smith” I replied.

“Well, hello to you, Katie Smith.  Now, get changed. Get sorted and I’ll be waiting for you. There’s no way you’ll be able to find your way back. This buildings too big” Louis chuckled.

“Are you saying that just because I’m a girl I can’t find back?” I asked him, feeling offended.

“Are you implying that you want me to go and not help you find your way back? There are body guards, you know” Louis said chuckling. He was trying to make me feel scared of them and I wasn’t. Those body guards were pussies.

He had that mysterious and annoying look in his eyes that were somewhat humorous. It made me want to laugh at him; but I fought the temptation as much as I could.

“Whatever” I said and he smiled, giving me the bag.

“Here’s your phone, by the way. I found it on your seat, earlier and forgot to give it back to you. Oh, by the way, I put all our numbers on it” Louis added and I snatched it from him making my way into the bathroom.

I couldn’t believe that he went into my phone; but ignoring it I walked into the toilets before starting an argument. Thankfully, no-body was in here, as I entered.

I liked the company had designed this toilet. Its rich and elegant features definitely showed and it made me feel welcome. The bathroom itself had: seven cubicles, two hand driers, sinks, lights, mirrors and a bin. It was too rich, for my liking; but nevertheless, I opened out Louis bag and experienced a horror strike in my veins. I think I had a heart attack!

Louis was the one who was trying to kill my ego, now!


When I had –finally- forced myself, to get into Louis: dungarees and t-shirt; I smiled, to myself feeling proud. I didn’t know if I was going to like his style; but amazingly I did and, I looked pretty good. His beanie was just the right size, for my head; and his: dungarees and top weren’t as big as I thought they were going to be.

I gathered up my stuff and carried the bag outside with me. Opening the door, I witnessed Louis mouth hitting the floor. Ignoring him, I handed him the bag.

“Y-y-you l-lo-look” Louis stuttered and I rolled my eyes walking in front of him.

Ten minutes later, we were both back to our normal selves. Louis had stopped stuttering and I had got over the fact that I was wearing different colours. Why was everyone trying to kill my ego? First Belle and now Louis!

 “So … you’re in college. Right?” Louis asked as we walked down the last flight of stairs.

“Yeah; but I kind of haven’t started my semester yet. The college, where I go to, makes me want to vomit” I said and Louis burst out laughing.

“Fair enough” he said pulling himself together.

He had a cute laughter that was contagious and made you want to laugh too; but I hated people laughing at me and he was doing exactly that. As we were walking through a long, winding corridor; that changed corner every second; we were stopped by a blonde and a black-haired; both who I met, almost an hour ago. They were both very serious and the blond was trying not to laugh.

“Dude, we’ve been waiting for like the past hour” the black-haired guy complained.

“Chill man, Katie had blood all over her. I think that was a bigger emergency” Louis replied defending himself.

“Wait… those are… your clothes, Louis?” the blonde said, pointing at me.

“Wake up, Niall” Louis said rolling his eyes and I laughed. I had learnt three names now and I was proud of myself, for doing so.


A/N: Can't get enough of banter from the lads, eh? Comment/vote! Do tell me what you think. I'll reply.

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