|3| Denny's

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pluto the planet

42 minutes ago

<morning sunshine.

Aleks unplugged his phone from the charger, turning onto his back.

good morning. what's up?

He locked his phone, placing it down next to him. He got up, nonchalantly walking around in just his boxers. He made his way to the kitchen, pouring a bowl of cereal.
"Shit, tell me I don't have any milk." He grumbled to himself, scouring the fridge. He eventually found the half gallon, pulling it out from behind his various juices. After getting his cereal and a cup of coffee, he made his way to the sofa, turning on the television. As soon as he got settled in, his phone rang from the bedroom. A sigh left the boy's lips as he had forgotten to grab it. He reluctantly got up, noticing he was getting a call from his friend.
"Yeah, Jordan, what's up?" Aleks greeted, walking back to eat his cereal while on the call.
"Not much, I'm almost at your house. You ready?" The male on the other end spoke.
"Wait, what?"
"We were going to Denny's for lunch.. remember?"
Shit. Aleks had completely forgotten due to being distracted by James.
"Oh, yeah, haha. I remember. I'm almost ready, see you soon." He lied, hanging up the phone. He slipped out of his boxers, kicking them into the laundry basket as he made his way to the bathroom. He noticed a text from James, deciding to respond before hopping into the shower.

<not much. i was walking my dog. whats up with you

not much. bout to hop in the shower real quick

He set his phone on the back of the toilet, stepping under the warm water of the shower. He grabbed the nearby body wash, lathering it onto himself. He washed it off not a minute after, turning off the shower and throwing a towel around his waist.

<wow, gonna shower without me ;^(?

lol it was literally like a two second shower. i need to get ready brb

Aleks put on a flannel, buttoning it up with one hand as he attempted to put on his boxers at the same time. There was a honk from his driveway.
"Fuuuck." He groaned, hopping into his skinny jeans. He slipped his phone and wallet into his back pocket, spraying on cologne as he grabbed his shoes and a beanie and rushed through the door. He slid into the passenger seat, smiling at his friend.
"I thought you were ready?" Jordan chuckled, backing out of the driveway.
"Yeah, about that.." He mumbled, sliding his shoes on and placing the beanie over his messy hair.
"I could've waited, y'know."
"Yeah, I know. But it's my fault I forgot."
Jordan turned on the radio, softly signing along as he drove. Aleks took his phone out of his pocket, opening the Kik app.

<where ya goin?

dennys with my friend

<oh thats fun i guess

yeah. i forgot about it because you were distracting me

<aw, is that necessarily a bad thing ;)?

The passenger smiled down at his phone, tapping along his screen to respond.

nah. im okay with it

<thats good. i dont want you to get rid of me just yet.

im at dennys now. u want anything?

<yeah. you.

Aleks covered his face with his hand, silently laughing. Jordan noticed this, a small smile on his face.
"Who are you texting? Is this a girl you like?" Jordan questioned.
"Wha-" Aleks became flustered, shrugging his shoulders. "Uh, something like that.." He chuckled, licking his lips.
"Where'd you meet her?"
"Dude, I'll give you the details later, alright? Let's just go eat some food." The shorter of the two mumbled, not wanting to talk about this.
The two walked into the local restaurant, getting seated at a booth.

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