|19| hello?

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"Here you go, Aleks." Jordan set the hot chocolate on the table. "Aleks?" He crouched in front of the boy, noticing he began crying again. He wiped his tears with his thumb.
"I fucking hate him.." Aleks mumbled, clearly lying to himself as he buried himself under the blanket.
"No you don't." Jordan said softly. "It's going to be okay. Just give it time. It'll be okay."
Aleks sighed, turning onto his back and staring up at the ceiling. "He said he loves me." He chuckled dryly, shaking his head. "How dumb is that?"
Jordan pressed his lips together, taking his hat off. "Why don't you try and get some sleep, huh? You've had a long day. We can talk about this later."
Aleks nodded, turning back onto his side.
"This is my fault. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made you go over there."
"No. Stop. Shut up. Don't say that. It isn't your fault. I'm glad I found out now. Better sooner than later.."
Jordan sighed, turning down the television. "Okay. Get some sleep." He closed the curtains and locked the door before turning off the light.
Aleks grabbed the now-not-so-hot hot chocolate and took a small sip, noticing Shepard out of the corner of his eye. He held his hand out, the cat immediately trotting over for attention. "Come lay with me, buddy." He spoke softly, gently picking up the cat and placing him by his chest. He shut his tired eyes, falling asleep to the faint sounds of the television and purring.


Aleks awoke to darkness. He furrowed his brows as he felt a weight near his feet.
"Hey. Finally awake?"
Aleks shot up, scooting back. "J-James? What the fuck are you doing here?" He sobbed, hugging onto the pillow.
"Aleks, it's okay, don't cry. I'm sorry, okay?"
"H-how did you get in here..?" Aleks flinched at James' outstretched hand.
"Jordan let me in." He said softly as he placed his hand gently on Aleks' knee.
"Get away from me. You're a fucking lying asshole." Aleks growled.
James scooted closer, looking Aleks in the eyes. "Aleks, I'm sorry. I'll never lie to you again. I promise." He leaned closer, placing his hand on the side of Aleks' face, wiping away his tears. "I love you." He said softly, leaning forward and placing his lips to Aleks'. Aleks shut his eyes, but when he opened them again, darkness.
He was lying back on his side.
Aleks groaned, running his hands down his face. He threw the blanket off of him, walking to the kitchen to get a water bottle. He stared out the small window as he took a sip. As he walked back he grabbed his jacket, putting it on before grabbing his phone and heading out the door for some fresh air.

stay the fuck out of my dreams, dickhead.

He sent the message, stuffing his hands in his pocket before huffing out a hot breath into the cold, crisp, late night air. He stared down at his feet as he walked along the sidewalk.
I'm gonna miss him.
He thought to himself, slightly mad about the truth. Missing the person who cheated on you? Lied to you? It's absurd... isn't it?

Isn't it?

Aleks looked up to the sky, as if awaiting a response. But nobody answered.
"Obviously." Aleks muttered to himself, sighing.
He felt his phone begin to vibrate. He took it out, in case it was a call from Jordan. However, it seemed to be just the opposite.
Aleks actually contemplated on answering it. What did the dream mean? Did he want to forgive James?
I want to but I can't.
He sighed for about the 50th time in the past ten minutes, sliding his thumb across the screen.


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