|6| exes

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<hey cutie

<whatcha wearing ;)

can u not

<no but i can tie



<lets skypw

sorry i dont own skypw

<man you know what i mean dickhead

im already in bed tho

<so?? skype me from your phone i wanna talk to you

just bling my hotline

<you did not just

you used to call me from my cellphone

<stop my g

<lol didn't mean to hit send

<my friend always plays that song i am so sick of it

why u always accidentally hitting send

dont be salty

<idk man dont judge me. n i would call you but then i cant see you

its dark you wouldn't be able to see me anyways



Aleks' phone began to buzz soon after, an unknown number calling.

"Yellow." He answered.
"Blue." A familiar voice spoke on the other end. "Glad the phone number on your Skype is up to date."
"I'm sorry what? What is the 'Skype'?" Aleks spoke in a heavy Russian accent.
"The fuck?" James mumbled.
"No, not 'the fuck', the 'Skype'!" Aleks hollered, the accent lacing his words smoothly.
"Dude stop fucking with me."
Aleks laughed, turning onto his back. "Okay, I'm done."
"So how was your day, Leks?"
"It was alright, I was texting you throughout most of it. How was yours, Jamesy?"
"So why couldn't we just text?" Aleks asked, staring up at his ceiling.
"I wanted to hear your voice."
"You're dumb."
James laughed. "What? Why am I dumb? Because I love listening to you speak?"
"Yeah, exactly."
"Aw, why do you say that?"
"Idunno." Aleks sighed, biting on his fingernail.
"'Idunno'" James mocked. "You don't even have a reason you idiot." The older joked.
"Man, say that to my face."
"Gladly. What's your address? I'll drive over right now."
"No, not literally!"
"Okay, I'll just trace your call."
"You can't do that."
"Says who?"
"Wait.. Can you actually do that?"
James laughed, "Hell no. I don't got that kind of technology. I know a guy though. Maybe I'll swing by his place. See you soon sweet cheeks."
"I know, I'm kidding, don't worry." James chuckled, knowing what the other would blabber on about. "So, let's share stories. Give me the story of your three ex-boyfriends."
"W-Why do you care?" Aleks asked, clearing his throat.
"I don't know. Just something to share. Want me to go first?"
"If you want to.."
"Okay, well I only officially dated one guy."
"What does 'officially' mean?"
"Like, I don't know. It's weird to explain." The older let out an awkward chuckle. "Pretty much just fucked with people. Y'know, no strings attached and what not. Neither of us really wanted anything serious or committed or labeled."
Aleks let out a soft hum to show he was listening and understood.
"My first 'official' boyfriend was like the second guy I fucked with, so I was still rather new to the whole thing. His name was Seamus." James huffed.
"We don't have to share these stories if you don't want to, James." Aleks clarified.
"I know. Just getting to know each other more, though. So it's fine. Anyways, Seamus. Him and I went to high school together. Typical story. Started off as best friends, blah blah blah. The day after graduation, we actually planned on running away together. He was dealing with so much shit and stress in his life and just needed to get away. I had my friends and my family, but I told him I would go with him. I thought I had loved him. The next day I showed up at our rendezvous, he didn't. I sat on the stupid uncomfortable airport chair for hours, staring down at my plane ticket. When our plane was supposed to leave, he still hadn't shown up. I was caught on whether I should go back home, board the plane, or sit and wait. I decided to wait. And wait. And wait. I ended up falling asleep there. The next morning I called him, even though he rarely ever used or even had his phone on him. And guess what? He actually picked up. For once in his life he answered my call. The fucker had actually answered my call. I didn't know whether I should be ecstatic or worried as fuck. All he said when he answered was, 'I'm already gone, James. Have a good life.' and he hung up."
Aleks fiddled with his blanket as he listened intensely to James speak.
"I'm sorry that happened to you.. that's pretty fucked up.."
"Isn't it? No sorry, no nothing. Those were the last words I heard from him. Nobody knew where he went. He just left. Without me." James sighed. "Looking back on it, I should be glad. I've made a life here and could have possibly thrown it all away for a boy. But whenever I'm having a shitty day I can't help but to think how it would have been if me and Seamus left together. It's stupid, honestly. That's why I never really dated another guy after that until I met you. I hated the thought of having the strings attached."
"Have you dated any girls after Seamus?" Aleks asked, generally curious.
"Yeah. Just one though."
Aleks let out a hum.
"So, what about you? How did your first boyfriend go?"
"My first was my best. Second was okay, we just didn't really work out. Third was terrible."
"Tell me about your first." James said, not wanting to prod too much into his business by asking about the worst.
"Alright. Let me tell you about my first boyfriend, Eddie."

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