|15| delivery

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"Hey dude, what's up?" Aleks asked, sitting crisscross on the hardwood flooring to pet Shepard.
"Okay, so, you know that girl I've been talking to?" Jordan starts off, Aleks responding with a nod. "Well, I got her some things," The taller slides a box from the counter, patting it. "And I wanted to know if you could deliver it for me?"
Aleks furrowed his brows, turning towards his friend. "Why don't you just send it in the mail?"
Jordan held up his finger. "See, I knew you were gonna ask that. I figured, y'know, she lives somewhat close to James, so you could kill two birds with one stone-"
"You want me to murder them?!" Aleks joked.
"No, you dumb! The expression!"
Aleks laughed, waving his free hand. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding! Continue!"
Jordan shook his head, huffing a short breath. "You could drop off the package then swing by James' place, yeah?"
Aleks bit his lip, feeling like Jordan was doing this on purpose so he would visit the other. Or so he could save money and time. Either one.
"I mean, it's not that far, if you don't wanna do it I'll just give it to her next time I visit or I'll send it or something." The older hummed, leaning against the counter.
"I can do it." Aleks responded. He figured he would go and surprise his boyfriend with flowers. Does he like chocolates? Probably. Who doesn't like chocolates? What types of flowers does he like? Roses? Too basic.
"Awesome." Jordan smirked, handing him the box with the address taped on top. "When are you going?"
"I'm gonna go for a jog real quick, then I'll shower and go."
"Okay, text me when you get to James', yeah?"
Aleks nodded, hugging the other with one arm while he managed to hold the box with the other. "Yeah. Talk to you later."
"Later." Jordan shut the door after Aleks got into his car.
The drive home was silent. He left the radio off, wondering if he should text James or wait until he gets to his house. As he pulled into his driveway, he left the box in the car and quickly went in and changed to his usual work out clothes, wanting to return to his thoughts.
Aleks started off a small jog on the stone pathway, taking a deep breath.
Would he be mad if I show up unexpected? Aleks thought, flicking his eyes up at the blue sky.
He's never really been upset with me before. This would be a stupid reason to get mad.
His feet followed one after another, increasing his pace.
Where's a good place to get flowers around here? Should I go to a shop or just a normal store?
He parted his lips, allowing his breaths to flow easier as his feet pressed harder against the cement, another increase in pace.
What if Jessica answers the door? That would be awkward. What if James isn't home? Even more awkward. What if he gave me the wrong address? Yep. Super awkward. 'Hey, I don't know you but here's some flowers! Bye!'
He briefly closed his eyes, his feet continuing to follow the path as he enjoyed the cold breeze blowing through his hair.
Aleks slowed down his pace, taking out his ringing phone from his pocket.
"Hey." Aleks breathed, slightly out of breath.
"Why are you breathing so heavily? Did you just finish jerking off?" James asked.
Aleks let out an airy laugh, sitting on a nearby bench. "Yeah," he huffed, leaning back. "It was intense."
"Yeah, thinking about me can do that." James chuckled, Aleks joining in.
"That's true." Aleks smiled, shaking his head. "I was jogging. What's up?"
"Nothin', I just missed your voice."
Aleks grinned, looking up at the stray wandering clouds. "Don't miss me too much." He mimicked James.
"Damn, okay, I see how it's gonna be. Sorry for calling you, I'm just gonna go jerk off or something and leave you to your business." James joked, making a 'boop' sound afterwards to pretend hang up.
Aleks scoffed, standing up from the bench. "Hey, I got something to do, I'll see-" The Russian stopped himself, almost spilling the secret. "I'll see if we can Skype later, if we're not busy or something." The mumbled cover up left his lips.
"Okay, bye bye cutie pie." James giggled before hanging up the phone.
Aleks rolled his eyes, securing his phone back into his pocket as he began his jog again.
This should go good. Everything will be fine.
Aleks nodded, agreeing with himself.
"See you later, James." Aleks mumbled quietly to himself.

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