|5| soon

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<hey. sorry bout last night n sorry for not texting you.


<oops. ignore the i. didnt mean to send it.


<are you still sleeping its like 12 pm wtf


<fuck i forgot the a

<aw leks is a cute nickname tho

<leksi wyd

<on the first day of christmas my true love texted me

<nothing cause hes probably still asleeeep

<on the second day of christmas my true love texted me...

<fill in the blank

<what'd you text me

<*aleks voice* why didnt you text me last night

<sorry sweet cheeks i was busy and then i went to sleep ;-(

<*aleks voice* oh thats ok what were you doing

<ein got into some shit n made a mess. she knocked some shit over n that might be why it sounded like a knock on the door?? idk.

<so hows your morning going hun?

<really? thats nice. mines going pretty good so far, thanks for asking. only downside is my reaaally dreamy boyfriend wont text me back. sigh

jesus fuck, dude. you havin fun?

<leksiiii!! <3

r u high or something

<no i just missed u ;-(



and who said it sounded like a knock




<so were you still asleep?

no. my phone was charging i was working out

<ooo take any pics for me ;)???


<aw ;( rude


check twitter


<posted a pic for others to see but not me

<i am fucking in love with your tattoos


i see you got one as well. what is it?

<oh its like resident evil shit. n then a little monkey thing i got when i was younger

aw thats cute

<you and the word 'cute'. sheesh

don't be upsetti

<dont you fucking say it

have some spaghetti ╮(╯▽╰)╭

<ewww what is thaaat

LMAO dont judge him

he has a life and family and friends too

<nasty looking gremlin


<the fuck is he doing

i cant stop lauhhing youre gonna kill mw

<oh lord are you okay


<do i need to call an ambulance

<911 help my boyfriend is having a stroke

god dammit

<ok theyre on their way

jamesywide is on your side

<i cant believe you just said that

what do you not like it


<that was terrible


<leksiwide is on your side



point made..




<we should meet up soon

wait what


idk? maybe i guess

we barely know each other

<yet we're dating


yeah, idk. maybe.

<maybe. okay

<itll happen one day tho ;-)?? we could get to know each other more.

yeah. one day. soon.

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