|9| the mediocre second

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*a/n hi i felt like updating rn so here u go*


"So, tell me about your second." James suggested.
The television was turned down low as the two had been talking for the past few hours. A blanket was thrown over them and Aleks was leaning up against James with the other's arm around him.
Aleks stared out the window as a lone car drove past at this late hour, watching the headlights dim down as it drove further away. "My second boyfriend?"
James nodded, Aleks didn't have to look as he could feel the movement next to him.
"Hmm. Uh, we didn't really go too well with each other." The younger spoke as he situated himself to be more comfortable, enjoying the body heat radiating from James.
"What do you mean?" James joined Aleks' blank gaze out of the front window.
"We thought we could work out but we just didn't. His name was Kevin."
"'Was Kevin'" James repeated. "I always found that so weird how people say that. About exes, or old friends. 'Was'. It makes it seem like they changed their name, or died or something. Y'know? I mean, I say it too. Saying 'his name is Kevin' just makes it seem current. Why is that?"
"Whoa." Aleks huffed, turning to look at James. "Its too late to be thinking about that shit."
James laughed, leaning his head against Aleks'. "Late night thoughts are so weird. Does the brain like, go into a different mode at night?"
"Maybe. There's probably some scientific research on that shit if you really want to know."
James shook his head. "Nah, I wanna listen to you talk instead."
Aleks smiled. "Okay, well with Kevin, it's kind of the relationship that gets fucked up when you actually put a name to it."
"That's why I never really officially dated too many guys."
"Yeah, I see why. Me and Kevin would always flirt and make sure to catch each others lingering stares from across the room. We'd 'accidentally' brush our hand against each other when walking by, or just doing stupid shit like that. One day he asked me to dinner and of course I went. We had a really good time, and decided to go to a late night movie afterwards. We didn't even watch the movie, though. I think we were just sucking faces the whole time. God, looking back at it, I absolutely hate couples who do that shit. It's so annoying, like, why pay to just make out in the back of a dark room? People around you don't want to see or hear that shit."
James chuckled, interlocking his fingers with Aleks'. "Me and my high school friend, every time we used to go to the movies and see people doing that, we would bring a flashlight and shine it on them. We'd call them out and just start laughing." The older smiled at the memories. "We were such idiots."
"You still are an idiot." Aleks joked, lightly squeezing James' hand.
"That's true."
Aleks smiled, staring down at the blanket. "After the movies we just walked along the roads late at night when no one was out driving. We never even actually asked each other out. It was the stupid 'what are we now?' shit. I was the one to break up with him."
"How'd it happen?"
"Daaaaamn." James exaggerated, shaking his head and clicking his tongue. "Breaking up over text. That's fucked up."
Aleks breathed out a laugh, tugging off James' beanie and watching his wavy locks poof into the air. "You act like you've never done that."
James ran his free hand through his hair, rolling his eyes. "One time I had my friend break up with this girl for me. Like, my ex, not his girlfriend." James clarified. "I didnt really like her anymore and I didn't want to hear her bitch and moan and cry and say how we should stay together so I had him do it for me."
"Daaaamn." Aleks mimicked. "Now that's fucked up."
"Yeah, I can admit that was pretty fucked up." The olders phone began to ring, causing him to untagle his fingers from the others. He pulled it out of his pocket, and ignored the call he was getting.
"Who was it?" Aleks asked as James put his phone on silent and face down on the table.
"Nobody important." He replied, locking their fingers together again. He let out a soft yawn, lying back and pulling Aleks with him. The younger giggled as he got comfortable on the older male lying down. Aleks rested his head on James' chest and had half of his body on the others and half off.
"Should we shut the blinds so the sun doesn't wake us in the morning?" James asked, tugging the blanket over the two of them.
"Nah. I like staring out into the street sometimes. It's relaxing." Aleks yawned, shutting his eyes.
"Okay. Goodnight." James spoke softly, kissing Aleks' forehead.

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