|7| the best first

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"Well, Eddie was honestly all I could hope for. Handsome, sweet, understanding, funny.. The list goes on." Aleks began. "We met at a bar. My friends had dragged me there, though we were all underage. I was 17 years old, soon to be 18, and he was 21. His friends brought him there for his birthday."
"Sorry for interrupting, but how did you not get checked? Like, you even look like a little boy now!" James joked.
Aleks laughed, shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know, dude. We showed them the fake ID's and I guess they were just too lazy to say anything about it."
"Someone probably got fired after that day."
Aleks scoffed. "Man, whatever. Let me continue you ass."
"Okay, okay! Go ahead."
"Anyways, my friends were all having fun and being stupid while I was just sitting alone drinking a lemonade."
"What? You get into a bar at 17 and only had a lemonade?! You should've hung out with me. Your teenage years could have been way more thrilling."
"You really enjoy commenting on stories."
"I sure do."
"But, yeah. Alone. Lemonade. Out of nowhere, this extremely good looking, well trimmed guy walks up to me and asks if I'm up for a game of pool. I told him I wasn't very good at pool, but he was like, 'You don't have to be good to have fun. Come on, it won't hurt, you just seem lonely.' If it was anybody else in that bar I probably would have said no. But his voice, his accent, his smile.. My mind said fuck it and I agreed. As we walked over he was explaining about how his friends brought him for his 21st birthday but ended up ditching him for some chicks. Sounded pretty much like my story except for the birthday. We got to know each other a little bit more over that game of pool. He attempted teaching me how to play, but I'm pretty sure he was just looking for a way to nonchalantly brush up against my ass." Aleks chuckled softly, remembering the night. "Pretty much one thing lead to another and I ended up at his place. We were making out and whatnot when he asked me how old I was. I knew he would kick me out the second I told him, but I was honest about it anyways. That's when I found out he was understanding. He said he didn't mind, but that we just wouldn't take anything to the next step yet. We just ended up kissing and watching movies all night. That was one of the best nights of my life."
"Sounds like a hell of a first date."
"You gonna be able to top that?" Aleks joked.
"Shit, guess we'll find out. Maybe we can end it with me topping you."
"Oh, my god. I can not believe you just said that." Aleks mumbled, running a hand over his face.
James barked out a laughter. "You know I love messing with you."
"Yeah, I've noticed."
"Continue your story. I want to hear you talk more."
"Okay, well, three months later on my birthday is when we officially started dating. He invited me over and of course I dropped all other plans and accepted. He set up a cute little candle-lit dinner, I think we ate pasta. I mean, he wasn't the best cook but its the thought that counts. He asked me out, I said yes. That's the night we took everything to the next step."
"With a guy, obviously, yeah."
"How was it?"
"It was nice. He was really caring about everything."
"Implying you bottom?"
"You're an asshole."
"Hell, makes it easier for me. Means we don't gotta fight over who's topping."
"Hanging up now."
"You wouldn't dare."
"Caught my bluff." The younger chuckled. "So, after all that, we had a pretty nice, stable relationship for about 2 years actually. Main reason for ending it was he was going to move to Florida for his family or something. He said he didn't want to have to make me deal with a long distance relationship, that I deserved someone who could be by my side. I was pretty upset for a while after that, even though we ended on good terms and still spoke to each other. We don't really talk anymore though. But he has a girlfriend now, and they're happy so that's really good."
"Damn. Your first boyfriend sounds way better than mine. Maybe Seamus and Eddie actually ran away together to Florida." This caused the two of them to laugh. "Can you imagine? That would be insane."
"Who knows, it could have happened."
"Can't believe my ex left without me to go with your ex."
Aleks smiled, genuinely happy James could casually joke about seemingly sad parts of their lives to make the setting more comfortable and less upsetting.
"Now their exes are together."
"Much better outcome."
"I agree." Aleks mumbled, yawning afterwards.
"Not at all."
"That's a lie. Go to sleep if you're tired. It's like.." James paused, seemingly checking the time. "4 a.m., damn."
"Okay, come over, let's cuddle and sleep."
"Nah, it's late. Wouldn't want anything bad to happen."
"It'll be fine."
"Maybe tomorrow." The Russian yawned again, this time causing James to yawn.
"Shit, yeah. Driving now would be bad news."
"Let's do that cute, annoying couple thing."
"Hang up."
"Oh no."
The older sighed. "No, you hang up." He grumbled.
"No, you hang up."
"Okay, I'm done, bye." James said before ending the call.
Aleks let out a soft laugh, turning onto his side as he saw the immediate text from James.

<goodnight aleksandr
<sweet dreams

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