|4| skype

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Incoming call from James Wilson

"Yo." Aleks greeted, his webcam still off. He saw James look up, a smile on his face, and immediately felt his stomach erupt with butterflies.
"Aw, you're not gonna turn your cam on for me?" James pouted, tilting his head and looking into the camera.
Aleks' smile could not possibly grow any wider than it is now. James' voice was a perfect fit to his face.
"I'm only doing this because of how cute you look." Aleks spoke, clicking the small camera icon on the bottom of his screen.
"Hey beautiful." James hummed, resting his cheek in his hand as he couldn't take his eyes off the male on the other end of the screen.
"Stop looking at me like that.." Aleks blushed, staring down at his hands. James giggled, taking a quick screenshot without Aleks noticing.
"Sorry. You look amazing, just saying." The older spoke as he was typing on his computer. Aleks' phone lit up as he got a twitter notification.

@UberHaxorNova: skyping this dude @ImmortalHD

Aleks tapped the tweet, noticing the picture attached to it.
"You fuck!" Aleks turned his webcam off, typing a '>;(' into the chat.
"Nooo!" James laughed, typing '<3' back. "I couldn't help it!"
Aleks continued smiling though. "I love the sound of your voice." He said quietly. "No, wait- shit.. Did I say that out loud..?"
James grinned, dimples appearing in his cheeks. Aleks felt himself fall even harder for this man that he barely even knew.
"Yeah, it's okay though because the feelings mutual." James admitted. "You gonna let me see you again?"
Aleks nodded, even though the other couldn't see him. He turned the webcam back on, a smile on both of their faces. The call went silent for a moment as they both got lost admiring each other.
Aleks couldn't find a thing wrong with this man. He had beautiful brown eyes, adorable dimples, and a smile that could light up the darkest of places.
"Oh yeah!" James remembered, breaking the comfortable silence. "Ein! Come here girl!" He called. He bent down for a moment, appearing back on screen with the short fluffy corgi.
"Aw, she takes after her owner. Adorable." Aleks grinned.
James laughed, shaking his head as he pet the pup. "Look, Ein," He spoke to the dog, pointing to the screen. "That's Aleksandr." Ein barked, wagging her tail.
The two males laughed, watching the dog. "You're lucky you're not here for her to jump all over and lick." James held back the urge to add an inappropriate comment to that sentence.
"Maybe one day." Aleks said softly.
"Yeah?" James smiled, continuing to pet Ein. "Yeah, that would be nice."
Aleks nodded, looking down at his lap as he didn't know what else to say.
"So, uh, what part of Colorado do you live in?" James asked as Ein hopped off his lap.
"I live near Denver." Aleks responded truthfully while still being slightly vague.
"Dude, you're fucking with me, right?"
"What?" Aleks furrowed his brows.
"I do too! This is fucking insane. I think fate brought us together." James laughed, winking at the younger boy.
"Maybe it did." Aleks smiled. "Maybe it did.." He repeated quieter.
"So how many guys have you dated?" James asked. He noticed Aleks purse his lips, keeping his head down. "Um.. You don't have to answer that if you're not comfortable with it, sorry.."
"No," Aleks' voice cracked before he cleared his throat. "No, it's okay. Uh, I've only dated.. Two guys? Er- three. Three guys."
"Well.. would you be willing to make it four?"
Aleks paused, looking up at James. "What? Did you just ask me out?"
"I- well, it depends on your answer."
"Uhm.. I don't know.."
"Never mind, I didn't ask you out. That never happened. I shouldn't have asked so soon. How's the weather?"
"Okay. Yes. I'll make it four."
James widened his eyes, a grin growing on his face. He went to speak but a knock on his door interrupted him.
"Shit, I'm really sorry but I need to go. Sorry, again. I'll text you. Bye, boyfriend." He leaned towards the camera, giving it a kiss before ending the Skype call.
"Bye.." Aleks mumbled, even though he knew the call had already ended.
He left his computer chair, plopping down onto his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He smiled as he thought about James. How would it feel to actually be able to press their lips together? He turned on his side, staring at the small bedside table.
Who was knocking on James' door and why did he have to end the call for it with no explanation?

[a/n comments make me v happy just saying. thanks to everyone who votes/comments/reads :-) <3 y'all. hope you're enjoying the story so far!!]

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