|20| i feel it too

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"A-Aleks? Oh my god, are you okay?" James' distressed tone spoke.
"I'm speaking, aren't I?" Aleks replied bitterly.
"I'm coming over. Where are you?"
"No you are not. Stay away from me."
"Please don't do this."
"Do what?" Aleks stuffed his free hand into his pocket, the cold air getting to him.
"Overreact? Excuse me? I'm overreacting? Oh, you're right." Aleks chuckled, his grip on the phone tightening. "You cheated on me. Lied to me. I am overreacting. Forgive me, babe. I have done you wrong." Aleks spat.
"No- that's not what I meant... I.." James sighed. "Please I just want to see you."
"I don't want to see you."
"I-I know.. that's why this is so difficult.."
Aleks rolled his eyes, continuing his walk around the block. "I don't need you. Understand?"
"Aleks, I need you, though.."
"Y'know, I thought you actually cared about me. But, hey, guess that's what I get for making assumptions, huh?" He cut James off, chuckling dryly as he rapidly blinked away the tears, shaking his head.
"I do care about you, asshole. I fucking love you."
Aleks felt his eyes begin to water as he clenched his jaw. "Stop saying that.." He growled. "No you don't. We've barely known each other."
"So what? So fucking what we've barely known each other? Aleks, I haven't felt this way about anyone ever before. I-I don't know if you can feel it to but, shit." James sighed before he continued. "God, l-like I can't even explain it. When I look at you there's just like, this feeling in my chest. Any pain, any stress I'm dealing with, it.. it just all goes away. I feel the world blur around me as the focus goes on you. I probably sound super fucking stupid and lame and crazy and weird but, damn, Marchant... I'm fucking crazy for you."
Aleks wiped his eyes with the back of his cold hand, the warm tears sliding down his cold cheeks. He nodded, the tears continuing to spill. "I know... I feel it.." He said quietly before a silent sob left his lips.
"I said," Aleks cleared his throat, regaining his composure. "I-I feel it too..."
The boy could hear the other crying quietly over the phone.
"Aleks, I love you. I love you so much. I'm sorry for causing you pain, sweetheart. I love you."
"I-.." Aleks bit his lower lip, closing his eyes. "I-I love you too, James."
Aleks could practically hear the other male smiling on the other end as another series of sobs was picked up on the phone.
"Aleks.. I'm gonna come over.. Okay..?"
"Okay." Aleks replied quietly. "Okay."


*one more chapter b o y s*

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