Chapter 9: Why does this always seem familiar?

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*Halfway through the concert tour*

 (Kaitlyn's P.O.V)

Dear Diary,

Well. We're half-way there. Only one month left and then its back home. Justin and Alexis have been dating for a few weeks now, but trying to avoid the paparazzi-its KIND OF working out for them. I'm still the only  one who knows that Paige and Ryan are dating...SUCH AN ADORABLE couple. I convinced them to tell Mom, which I'm hoping they'll do.

"Writing in your diary Kaitlyn? What are you, 11?" Justin smirked, as he walked into my room on the tour bus.

"NO, I am not 11. I am 14 years old and know how to kick your sorry Bieber butt." I retorted, locking up my diary and moving over so that he could sit down.

"Geez, when did you grow up?"

"A while ago Justin. What do you want?" I asked and he sighed.

"I don't think its really working out with Alex...I feel like she's hiding something from me." He said, resting his head on my shoulder.

"Well, what do you think she's hiding?" I questioned and he shrugged.

I handed him a piece of paper and a pencil, then motioned for him to write it down.

I watched as he wrote:

What I think Alexis is hiding from me:

1. That she was with some other guy

2. That she kissed another guy

3. That she's using me and wants me for the fame

4. That she doesn't love me anymore...

I saw a tear rolled down his face and onto the paper as he wrote the last one.

"Awwh, Justin! Its okay! Don't cry, if she doesn't love you anymore, just remember to move because there's always more fish in the sea." I wrapped him into a huge hug and he started crying, just at the thought of losing Alexis.

After a few minutes of Justin's tears, he wiped any remaining ones and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm gonna go and talk to Alexis. Thanks Kaitlyn, I say that you're the best little sister that ANYONE could ever have." Justin got up and went to Alexis' room.

"I hope nothing goes wrong with them..." I whispered to myself before getting up and going to get something to eat.

*Couple hours later in the conference room at the hotel*

(Still Kaitlyn's P.O.V)

We all were waiting for Scooter and Usher to come into the conference room, after calling us all in and away from our amazingly comfortable beds. I noticed that Justin was sitting next to me and Alexis further down the table.

"What happened between you and Alexis?" I asked, and I noticed that he had been crying.

"We had a HUGE fight...until  2am. She broke up with me and I spent the rest of the night crying." He responded and my heart was breaking for him.

"Oh my gosh! Justin, I'm so sorry! When I find a Tim Hortons or a Dairy Queen, we're going for some sibling bonding-time." I said, and he nodded his head, just as Scooter and Usher walked in.

"Alright, we have some news for you all..." Scooter said, and we all were really, really worried/nervous about it. 

My life as Justin Bieber's little sister (By ME, Kaitlyn Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now