Chapter 12: Justin & Megan, sitting in a tree...K-I-S-S-I-N-G ;)

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Hey everybodyyyyyyyyyyyy! 
3 new characters! All girls, and I think I've already told you about two of them, but oh well, you're being introduced again :D 
Please welcomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
Olivia: Christian's girlfriend and knows everything about him. She has curly, dirty blonde hair that is almost shoulder-length and the most GORGEOUS hazel eyes that you have ever seen. Oli's also VERY talented! She can sing, play instruments and act like a professional.
Shianne: Shianne, is really really pretty. Her hair is really light blonde, but she didn't dye it, the sun did because she's a surfer who lives mainly in Cali and in Australia. Her eyes are dark brown and she's tanned-from all the surfing she does.
Megan: Justin's crush. Megan is only 5'2", but there is A LOT of energy in that one small girl. She had straight brown hair and really gorgeous caramel-brown eyes, that seemed to change in different lighting.


(Kaitlyn's P.O.V)

"I dare you to run up and down our street, shouting "PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY TIME!" I said and Lil' Twist laughed. 
"That's it?"

"Justin, tell him the rest." I laughed and Justin told Twist. The expression on his face was priceless, worth more than anything we own.

Once Twist had done the dare, none of us could stand up and laugh at the same time...yes it was that funny! Imagine Lil' Twist, running down the street, yelling 'PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY TIME!' his underwear. Please, don't say that you didn't laugh, how could you not? Even our most grumpy neighbours laughed-and they RARELY ever do that.
Then there was a knock at the door. 
"Megan! What are you doing here?" Justin asked, giving the girl at the door.
"I'm opening for Taylor Swift tomorrow! She met with me today and said that you told her about my videos! Oh my gosh Justin! This is amazing!!" Megan explained happily and gave the rest of us lots of hugs.
"Wow! That's amazing. So things are working out for you?" I said to her and she nodded her head excitedly. Megan was only 5'2", but there was A LOT of energy in that one small girl. She had straight brown hair and really gorgeous caramel-brown eyes, that seemed to change in different lighting. Megan was wearing  black skinny jeans, a white shoulder shirt-with a black tank-top underneath- and black Converse hightops. Her hair was straightened and had a red bow headband on her head. We all could see the happy glow on Justin's face, while he was just staring at her, smiling.

"But its all thanks to you two! How could I ever repay you?" Megan asked, as she joined us for our sleepover.
"I could think of some ideas." Justin winked and flipped his hair, we just rolled our eyes. We sat back down and started playing 'Would You Rather...'
"Hey but I'm the only one that was asked Truth Or Dare..."
"Shut up Twist, nobody really cares." Shianne said, causing us all to laugh. Then Twist tried to defend himself:
"Y'all better know that the dare you gave me could've destroyed my rep."
"What rep?" That made us laugh more.
"20 questions. Wanna play that instead?" Christian suggested, but we decided not to.
"7 minutes in heaven anybody?" Justin smirked and we all agreed.
"But I'm not hooking up with my brother. Just remember that."  I said and everyone laughed.

As soon as we found an empty ginger ale bottle, we got back to our sleeping bag circle in the living room.
"Okay, who wants to go first?" Justin asked, but Lil' Twist grabbed the bottle and spun it in the middle.
"So he'll go first, that's cool." We laughed and Twist punched Justin in the arm. We watched the bottle spin round and round and round, until finally landed on one of the girls. Thankfully, it didn't land on me. Shianne, unfortunately, was the unlucky one and had to go upstairs in the guest bedroom with Twist...for 7 minutes. Poor her. We all felt so bad when she went up the stairs.

"Okay, next person to spin is Ryan." I said, handing him the bottle to spin. We had a few guest rooms in this house, so we could put people in every room when we play spin the bottle. Ryan gave the bottle a good spin (Author's note: oooh that seems dirty ;)) and it landed on Jessica. 
"Yes!" Ryan high-fived Justin and Jessica gave him a dirty look.
"You're lucky you're cute." Jessica smirked and led Ryan up the stairs. Now, downstairs it was just me, Drew, Justin and Megan in the circle. Chaz is always eating everything in the house, so he never plays. 
"Drew, you spin." Megan said and Drew was already spinning the bottle. Fifteen seconds later, me and Drew where walking up the stairs to my room.

(Justin's P.O.V)
"Come on Megan, me and you get have my room." I said, leading her up the stairs, while Twist came down with Shi. He fist pumped me and continued going down the stairs hand in hand with Shianne.
 Megan and I started making out as soon as I locked my bedroom door. Heaaaaaaaaaaaavennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

(Back to Kaitlyn's P.O.V)
We watched Megan come back down the stairs, with not a hair out of place. Then, Justin came down and his hair was a mess.
"Somebody got some." Ryan said, causing Justin and Megan to laugh while Justin high fived Ryan.
"I'm tired." Twist yawned, and fell back onto his sleeping bag.
"Me too." The rest of us said, at the exact same time, then we all flopped backwards onto our sleeping bags.Ten minutes later, you could hear a pin drop...because we were asleep so fast.

(Justin's P.O.V)
At around 1 am, I was starting to find my sleeping bag uncomfortable.
"Megan...Megan." I whispered to the sleeping bag on my left.
"Justin...Justin, what do you want?" Megan whispered back and I took her hand.
"Don't you find these sleeping bags uncomfortable?" I whispered to her and she got what I was saying.
"Let's go to your room. Follow me, I'm like a ninja in darkness." Megan laughed her Tinkerbelle laugh and I smiled. We walked up the marble stairs and down the white-carpeted hallway, then finally reached my room. 

I opened the door and led her to my bed. We both got in at the same time and I cuddled up to her, giving her a kiss on the cheek and Megan fell asleep. But I fell asleep to the sound of her heartbeat, which was very relaxing-that sounds really weird, haha.

*Next morning*
(Megan's P.O.V)
I woke up in Justin's bed, and looked at the clock. 10:00 am. Well, I was here on business, so I didn't have to go to school or be back in New York City- where I live now- until next Thursday. I got up, put on my extra pair of skinnies and my pink shoulder shirt-yes, with the same undershirt as yesterday- and went downstairs.
"Morning Pattie." I smiled and she gave me a hug. 
"Hey Megan. Let me guess, you and Justin slept in his room because the sleeping bags were uncomfortable." Pattie smirked and I was surprised as I sat down on barstool at the counter.
"Are you a genius? Or did Justin tell you when he had breakfast?" We both laughed and Pattie gave me a plate of pancakes. 
"These are so good. I'm so glad that you're Canadian." I said, taking first bite and trying not to laugh at the same time.

After I was done, Pattie said that she had to go because she was spending the day with friends who were here until Wednesday. So, I was in my friend's house time, baby!
I parked myself infront of their flat screen that was hanging on the wall. I flipped through the channels, until I saw a news piece on E! News...about Justin. 
I wonder what the rumour is this time, I said under my breath, but it turns out that it was about him and someone else. Me. 
"The hell? Why do they think we're dating...just friends with benefits." I muttered, while walking to answer the door.
"Hey! Oh my gosh, Taylor! What are you doing here?" I asked her and gave Taylor a hug.
"Came to visit, but I didn't know that you were staying here." She laughed and I walked to the fridge.
"Well Justin said that he has to come home early today, so you can hang around here until he gets back, probably around 11: 30." I grabbed a Coca Cola and a water for Taylor.
"Ok, but I also need to tell you that soundcheck is at 6, so please try to be early. Oh, and you can come to the meet and greet CD signing, bring Justin if you want, but try to make him put on a disguise." She joked, Taylor didn't really care of Justin had a disguise or not, she's one of his very close friends.

Then when Justin came home, I had a sudden craving for cupcakes. Uh-oh, that's not good.
What's wrong with Megan? Do you think its bad?
Again, I feel so grateful and lucky that you guys decided to read my story! :) Without you, I porbably would've stopped it after a couple of chapters, but you guys are the reason why I write it <3
Comment with how you liked it, suggestions, or if you want to be in the story.
-Sophia xx


My life as Justin Bieber's little sister (By ME, Kaitlyn Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now