Chapter 35: Before the sleepover :)

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  • Dedicated to All of my amazing fans here on Wattpad <3

Okay, its been awhileee since I've put in some new characters, so here are a BUNCH of girls who will be an AMAZING addition to the story. Shall I introduce them? :)
Ariana- Purple loving weirdo. She moved but is still one of Kaitlyn's best friends. She isn't obsessed with Justin. Ari loves cookies and ice cream and her fave words are flamazing and scrumdiliumtious.
Madisen- Has dirty blonde hair and light brown eyes. Her personaility is bubbly and full of energy. Madi is also Olivia's little sister.
Skylar (Sky)- Demi & Kaitlyn's BFF who is really sweet and doens't do anything wrong.
Lexi- Has green eyes and dark brown hair with natural blonde and red highlights. Is a friend of Kaitlyn's and Christian's cousin.
Jessalyn- Ryan's little sister. She has thick, light blonde hair and blue-gray eyes. Even though she's tall for her age, she's still crazy, fun, adventurous and talks a littleee too much. She's funny, always, happy and LOVES life.
That's all of our new friendss, they're gonna fit in so well <3 READ ON if you want cookiessssssss ;D
(Kaitlyn's P.O.V)
It was just me and mom at our hugeeee house. So she let me have a sleepover with my awesome friends.

KaitlynBieber: YO! Where my girls at? Sleepover tomorrow, starting at 5. BE THERE !
@JASMINEVILLEGAS: @KaitlynBieber YO! This girl is coming. Your sleepovers at THE BEST. <3
@oliviaxx: @KaitlynBieber YOU'RE SO LUCKY THAT YOUR MOM IS COOL -.- lolololol I'm coming tomorrow. Better have popcorn!
@MileyCyrus: @KaitlynBieber I'm free ! :D Can't wait for ittttt <3
@selenagomez: @KaitlynBieber glad we got to know each other better <3 Can't wait to come!
@ddlovato: @KaitlynBieber HAVE TONS OF PIZZA AND ICE CREAM! Imma be starvedddddd tomorrow! ;P
@itsBrooke: @KaitlynBieber you'll have to fly your Stratford girls out so that we can PARTAYYY at your house! *PILLOW FIGHT* :)
@mynameisLexii: @KaitlynBieber I agree with Brooke! Sleepoverrrrrs at your place are always so much fun :D
@MADILOVESPIE: @KaitlynBieber I'm so coming ! Prepared to be beaten at Dance Dance revolution <3

Every one of my girls was coming. Thank GOD for the ginormous living room we have in our house. I went and bought the plane tickets for my girls in Stratford-I'm such a great friend. Then, I emailled Brooke, sending her the tickets.


Hey Brookeyyyyy <3
I have just bought you guys' plane tickets! They're attached and can't wait to see you all!

Kaity xx

And then the phone rang.
"Hello, Bieber household. Kaitlyn speaking." I said into the phone and I heard a familiar voice speak.
"Hey babe."
"Haha, hey Nick. Whassup?"
"Wanna go out tonight?"
"Heck yeah. Where we going?" I asked and I heard him laugh- Joe said something in the background. I love Nick. I just don't know if I'm ready to be his girlfriend-but he also hasn't asked that yet.
"How about...the beach?"
"I'm up for that. See you at 6?"
"See ya then. Love you."
"Love you too. Byeeee." I hung up and looked at the clock. 10 am. What? I thought it was later. Oh well, I guess I'll have some meeeeeee time. I was interuppted when the doorbell rang. I opened up the door and Ryan-Butler- was there. He just took one look at me, cupping my face with his hands and kissing me really passionately.
"Woah. What?" I asked, partially stuttering and moved back a little.
"Sorry. Wait, can we talk?" Ryan asked and I nodded, letting him in the house and walking to the living room.

"What did you want?" I asked him, settling on the couch next to him.
"Well...truth is, I've liked you for a really long time and I was such a coward so I couldn't tell you."
"And the kiss...?"
"Umm, yeah. I had been wanting to do that for a longgg time. But don't worry, Justin knows about my crush on you. He has for a really long time." Ryan said and I didn't know what to say. Okay, I'll be honest. I do have a littleeeeeeeee crush on Ryan. Since forever! Yeahh, even when I was dating Nick-Chapman-and Cody. Technically, I'm not dating Nick yeah.
"Okay, since you're being honest Ryan...I'll be honest too," I watched his smile turn into a nervous facial expression, "Relax. Truth is I've had a crush on you since forever. Like, I'm not even lying." Ryan's smile returned and he asked:
"So you wanna go out tonight?" 
"Yeah sure. See you at 7?"
"Yeah. See ya!" Ryan gave me a hug and left, leaving me all alone. I decided to check Twitter, just to see what was going on.

justinbieber: coming back to Canada soon! Can't wait to see @LordBieber, Jazzy & Jaxo :) JASMINEVILLEGAS: SO TOTALLY CAN'T WAIT for @KaitlynBieber's sleepover tomorrow <3 Makeovers, movies, popcorn, EVERYTHING! LOVE YOUS KAITY! <33
KaitlynBieber: @JASMINEVILLEGAS ITS THE WORKS! Plus, my girls from Stratford are flying down for a couple days. You'll love them, they are FLAMAZING! :D
itsRyanButler: Flying back to Stratford tomorrow, gonna meet up with Justin there :) Great to see you @KaitlynBieber & @Littlecbeadles.
Littlecbeadles: @oliviaxx see you at 3! Movie date <3
oliviaxx: @Littlecbeadles its been awhile! Can't wait to hold you again Christian! <3

Awwh! Chris and Oli are SUCH a cute couple! Perfect for each other. Then I got DMs-direct messages-from A TON of people.

nickjonas: hey kaity! turns out i can't make it tonight. busy at the studio with kevin & joe. i'm busy tomorrow and the next day too, sorry! :( <3
justinbieber: LOLOLOLOLOLOL haha hey sis :) Ryannnnnnnnn just called me and told me about the talk you two had. ENJOY YOUR DATE ;D
itsRyanButler: how does 3 sound instead? Well, if you wanna go shopping :)
oliviaxx: can't wait for the sleepover! I'll bring the make-up! <3

Mass emailing timeeeeeeeeeeeee.

To: ALL MY GIRLS (Sleepover buddies)

Yeah, so for the sleepover...I think we should have a group picture, looking the same-but our  own beautyousness shining through. So whaddaya think?

Your hostess, Kaity <3

I got up and looked over at the clock. It was now 11am. Time fliesss man. I laughed at my own thought, walking up the stairs and heading to the shower.

After my shower, I changed into an old jersey of Ryan's-I have TONS of old jerseys from Ryan, Chaz and Justin- and black skinny jeans. I blow dryed and straightened my hair, making it look very shinyyyyyyy. I ran downstairs, seeing my mom come in the door with Megan.
"MEGS!" I gave her a huge hug-she's still pregnant, its sooo hard to hide it from the paparazzi and other people around the world. 
"KAITY! How are you?"
"I'm awesome! What about you?"
"Well, I'm good. Thanks for asking." We laughed at mom's comment. Megan and I started talking about everything that's happened in the last couple months.

"Oh my gosh. You went from Cody, to Nick, to Ryan? Wowwww, I'm still swagging with Justin." Megan giggled, setting her bag on the bed in the guest room next to Justin's room. I helped her unpack-she's moving in with us. 
"Haha, yeahhhh. I'm going out with Ryan at 3. In like 3 hours. And I'm so happy about it!" I smiled, making up the double bed in the room. We talked about random stuff until we were done setting up everything else.
"Get some rest Megs, you look really tired." I said, leaving her room and going back downstairs. I slid down the banister and grabbed my iPhone off the table in the hall, checking my text messages. 

I love my life. 

My life as Justin Bieber's little sister (By ME, Kaitlyn Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now