Chapter 20: I'm backkkkkkk baby!

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*A week later*
(Kaitlyn's P.O.V)
"CODY!" I exclaimed, running into his open arms. I had just gotten off the plane coming back from L.A, and the first face I saw was Cody's gorgeousness...I love-sighed when I saw him.
"Kaity! You look even  more gorgeous than when you left!" Cody blushed a litte, realizing that he said his thought out loud.
"Awwh. Someone's blushing. But anyways, in LA, you called me and said that there was something that you wanted to ask me..?" Cody suddenly turned nervous, and I gave a questioning look.
"Uh...well...Kaitlyn, I was wondering if you want to be my girlfriend?" Cody asked nervously, and happiness flooded through me. I bit my lip and nodded my head yes, the joy returned to Cody's face. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me passionately. I kissed back and paparazzi camera flashes went off from each and every angle. But I didn't care, I had been waiting for him to ask me for 2 long months now.
"Come on babe. Let's go." Cody winked and took my suitcase, then we walked out to the limo that was waiting for us. I blushed a little and bit my lip, following behind Cody- who was pushing the paparazzi out of the way.

*My house*
(Still Kaitlyn's P.O.V)
Cody had dropped me off at my house, before he went off to the studio.
"Mom? Justin? Megan? I'm home!" I called out, taking off my black ballet flats and hanging up my hoodie in the closet.
"Kaitlynnie!" Megan exclaimed happily, rushing to the hall and attacking me with a huge hug.
"Megs! How are you?" I smiled and hugged her back.
"I'm great! I had my first ultrasound last week, your mom came. She was so excited." Megan told me all the things that happened in the last two weeks. 
"Oh my god. Megan. Cody asked me to be his girlfriend!" I squealed and Justin came down the stairs.
"OMG! THAT'S SO GREAT! When are you guys going on a date? Tell me all the details." Justin squealed, acting like how Megan would. We laughed and then Justin gave me a hug.
"How did Nicky like the song?" Megan and Justin asked at the same time, and I smiled.
"You mean the one we wrote Justin? Or my Cody Simpson song? Either way, he liked both and wants be to collab with Megan." I said and Megan clapped her hands excitedly.

"Okay, so now we just need to figure out the chorus and we're done the song, Kaitlyn." Megan said, as I got out my guitar and strummed a little bit of 'On My Mind'- the song Cody and I sang together.
"When does the song come out?"
"Well, when we perform it next on Ellen. The song Justin and I had was my first single. On My Mind is gonna be the second. And then our pro song is gonna be the third single...THEN THE ALBUM COMES OUT!" I exclaimed the last part and we jumped up and down in happiness.
"Aye! Why so excited?" Justin came in to the living room and asked, seeing us jumping on the couches.
"Nothingggg." We sang and Justin laughed.
"Well, I gotta take Megan from you. We have a DATE to go on." Megan gave me a hug, then left with Justin, while I, flipped the TV on.
Hmmm...What to watch, what to watch, I sighed, then heard the door bell ring. I got up and answered it.
"Cody,"  I smiled and gave him a hug, "Boy, what are you doing here?" 
"Well, I can't really stay apart from you for too long. So, here I am." He responded, kissing me on the cheek.
"You could come with me! I have an interview with Ryan Seacrest in 20 minutes, maybe you could come and join meeeeeee." I gave him the puppy dog look and he ran a hand through his blonde hair.
"Sure, let's go." Cody smiled and we went out to the limo...but unfortunately the paparazzi found us. They gave us a path to walk, while they chilled behind and infront, taking pictures like there was gonna be no tomorrow.

*Radio show*
(Still Kaitlyn's P.O.V)
[Radio interview with Ryan Seacrest]
Ryan: Ok everybody. In today we are welcoming none other than the lovely Kaitlyn Bieber!
Kaitlyn: Hey everybody!
Ryan: Kaitlyn, how is the album coming along?
Kaitlyn: We're pretty much done. Two more songs, album cover and then the singles come out.
Ryan: So the song that you and Justin sang on Ellen a week or two ago...?
Kaitlyn: That's the first single. We named it "I love you". Simple, easy to remember and its gonna get stuck in your head. *smiles at Ryan, innocently*
Ryan: Its a really good song. We already have it on our Top 40 countdown.
Kaitlyn: Really? That's awesome, what number is it?
Ryan: Can't tell you...its a surprise.
Kaitlyn: *mumbles* Evil Ryan..
Ryan: Anyways, everyone wants to know. Who are you dating?
Kaitlyn: Well...

What is she gonna say? Is she gonna tell everybody? Or not?
What do you think?
-Sophia xx 

My life as Justin Bieber's little sister (By ME, Kaitlyn Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now