Chapter twelve

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I dropped Lucca off at the nursery, like I would do everyday then headed to work.

They wasn't a day when I didn't think about Melissa, but the pain was getting easier to handle.

It was just a normal, early morning, but something didn't feel right. It was quiet, very quiet.

I kept driving, the radio on low. The roads were still frosty and the car was slipping slightly. I kept it under control and managed to get to work, safely.

I sat at my desk and started work. They was soon a knock and someone entered.

I soon around in my chair to find my boss, Clara.

“Good morning, Clara" I smiled.

“Hi" she smiled.

“Do you need something?"

“Have you forgotten something?"

I looked at her blankly for a minute, her expression unchangeable.

“The reports!" I exclaimed, running my hand through my hair. “I'll have them to you in the next hour"

She nodded, “Thanks, Tristan" she left, slamming the door after her.

I'd forgotten. I quickly typed them up then sent them to her. I was so forgetful at times.

The day went by quickly. I couldn't wait to get back and pick Lucca up.

As the working hours came to a close, so did my alertness. I was so tired.

I left and got into the car. I drove with ease but I was struggling to stay awake.

I managed to get to the nursery then back home. I was drinking coffee while playing with Lucca. It was hard being a single father.

I heard a knock at the door. Who was that?

“Wait here" I told him. He nodded slightly.

I got up and answered the door. “Melissa?" I asked.

“Let me in, Tristan. I want to see Lucca" she was trying to make her way into the house.

“Stop it. Why didn't you call instead of coming here?"

She wouldn't listen to anything I said. Damn, Melissa!

I was blocking her from coming in. Suddenly, a big man came to the door.

“Let her see him, man!" He yelled at me.

“What's going on?" I was so confused.

The next thing I knew, I'd been punched in the face, and lying flat out on the floor.

“Dada!" I heard. I was bleeding and I couldn't focus.

“Lucca" I whispered. I blacked out.

I woke up to find Lizzie at my side. I looked at her, confused. Then it all came into focus. The fuzzy images in my head started to make sense. Melissa, stood at the door. The man, yelling at me then punching me. Melissa and the man taking Lucca. Lucca.

“Lucca!" I shouted, sitting up. “Where is he?"

Lizzie grabbed my shoulders. “Calm down, Tristan!"

“Where is he?" I was panicking. Had they taken him?

“Tell me what happened, Tristan"

I told her then she phoned the police. They came to the house and I explained what had happened, who had come to the house, and who could of potentially have taken him. They were soon searching while me and Lizzie waited at the house.

My dad and Danielle came straight away. We was all left with questions wanting to be answered.

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