Chapter three

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The word rung through my head. I looked at her, she looked distraught. What do I do?

"Tristan?" She asked, her voice only a squeak, like a mouse who had been caught in a trap.

"How?" Was all I could manage to say.

She shook her head.

How would we tell our parents?

"God!" I yelled. I don't know where it came from, but it did. "We had sex once"

She shook her head again. She was speechless, probably shocked.

My poor baby. I didn't know what to do.

"What do we do?"

"Tell" she mumbled. She looked just like a small child who'd been told off for something.

I pulled her into my arms. "Ok"

We both went downstairs and explained the story to Joan and Luke. We all knew we couldn't make her abort it.

Melissa stayed quiet the whole time. She only spoke when everyone had finished speaking about the options.

Joan wasn't mad, or angry, she was disappointed. I could understand why. Luke was just too shocked to have any emotion towards the situation.

How would I tell my dad?

"I... I want to keep it" is what she said.

Everyone looked at her stunned.

"Really?" Luke asked.

"You don't have to make up your mind now" Joan whispered.

"We need to tell your dad, Tristan" she said numbly.

"Not now"

She nodded, then got up from the table, and walked back upstairs.

I rose to go with her, but Luke put his hand on my arm. I sat back down.

"Let her be. She needs to be alone to think about it. You do too"

I nodded slowly. What did I want to do? I was excited but scared at the same time.

"You must speak to your father, Tristan" Joan told me.

"Yes. Thank you" I stood and left.

When I was home, I gingerly walked into the house and into the room, where my dad sat, swigging from a bottle of liquor.


"Come sit down son, you seem troubled"

He was drunk. I sat at the other side of the room from him. I knew he was still mourning over mum, so I tried to deal with his drinking and his violence.

"What is it, son?" He was slurring.

I looked down. "Melissa is pregnant"

"What?!" I heard anger in his voice. I was ready for him to beat me. He'd done it before so he would do it again.

But he didn't. He just stared at me, a blank expression on his face. "How many times did you have sex?"

What kind of question was that? "Once"

"Why did you do it unprotected?"

I shook my head. I knew why, it was one of those in the moment things.

"I'm disappointed in you, Tristan"

I stared at the floor.

"How far gone is she?"

"Five weeks"

"Do you want to keep it?"

"My head's a mess. I don't know, dad"

"You have to decide. And soon. Do you think you could care for the three of you? Do you think you could even look after a baby? They are very demanding"

They was silence.

"Get out of my sight" were his final words to me.

I left the room and went to my own. I knew what I had to do.

I wanted to protect Melissa and the child forever. They will become my family and I will care for them forever. I knew he'd hate my decision, but it's what I wanted.

I packed some things and walked downstairs.

"You've made up your mind?"

"Yes. I'm leaving"

He walked out into the hallway and looked at me. Anger flashed in his eyes. He rose his fist. At that moment, something sparked in me. I wouldn't let him hurt me or push me around anymore.

As he brought his balled fist down to hit me. I grabbed it, and pushed him away.

"I won't let you hurt me anymore!" I was angry at myself for withstanding him so long. I was full of determination to protect my girlfriend and unborn child.

He smiled at me and pulled back.

"You're definitely a Hunter boy"

"No, dad. I'm not. I'll never be a Hunter like you" I slammed the door as I left.

For anyone who's confused. Hunter is Tristan's last name. Thanks again guys.

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