Chapter sixteen

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We went home and spent the weekend together. It was amazing. I felt so much better having her at my side.

Lizzie laid in my arms as we spent the last few hours, before dad came home with Lucca. We'd missed having him at home.

I kissed her forehead. "Thank you"

She looked up at me. "What for?"

"Looking after us and showing me how to fall in love again"

She smiled. "I love you, Tris"

"I love you too, Lizzie"

Dad arrived a while later with Lucca. He was beaming from ear to ear, so was dad. He loved looking after Lucca. I'm glad he could change.

"Coming in?" I asked.

He nodded and came in. I boiled the kettle and made us all coffee.

Lizzie took Lucca's bag and came into the kitchen. "They're in the room, playing"

I smiled as she wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head against my back.

Dad came in. "I knew it"

We all laughed.

"What's Lucca doing?" Lizzie asked.

"Drawing something" my dad shrugged. "He's got decent art skills for a two year old. Maybe he'll grow up to be an artist"

I laughed as we walked into the room and sat down. Lucca did in fact have very good skills for a two year old.

We talked for a while before dad said he had something serious to tell us.

We went quiet.

"Me and Danielle are having a baby"

"Woah. You go tiger" I laughed. They were in their early fiftys, but hey.

He laughed. "I mean we're adopting a little girl. She's the same age as Lucca"

"You miss having kids, don't you?" Lizzie asked.

He nodded.

"Well congrats" I smiled and hugged him.

He soon left so me, Lizzie and and Lucca cuddled up on the sofa and watched some kids film Lucca had picked.

He ended up falling asleep.

"Pretty big day for him" Lizzie laughed.

"You bet" I smiled, picking him up. "I'll take him to bed"

I carried him up the stairs and laid him in his bed. I gently kissed his forehead then whispered "night, mate"

"Night, Lucca" I heard Lizzie behind me.

I hugged her then we left him to sleep. We went downstairs and sat on the sofa.

It was quiet for some time before Lizzie said "What would you say if we had a child?"

"I wouldn't mind, actually"

"Me neither"

It went quiet again.

"Maybe we should when Lucca's a little older"

I nodded slightly. "I'd like that"

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