Chapter 16. (Secret Admirer.)

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[Liam & Louis' texting thread]

Liam : why did you just leave?

Louis : wasn't in the mood

Liam : Gemma was upset you left

Louis : not my fault her brother is a giant dick

Liam : what did he do?

Louis : ask him

Liam : I did. He said he was just being nice

Louis : he told me I was alone

Liam : and?

Louis : you don't get it

Liam : being alone is a bad thing? If it is then you'd get upset

Louis : stop being all philosophical and shit you're supposed to be on my side

Liam : when am I not? But you know I'm right

Louis : shut up

Louis : I feel bad for Gemma now I actually liked her

Liam : is this even about Gemma?

Liam : I'm sorry

Liam : call her she's worried

Louis : why wouldn't it be about Gemma? It is! I like her and I feel bad for leaving just give me her damn number?

Liam : I don't have her number but I have Harry's

Louis : then no thanks

Liam : just ask him for Gemma

Louis : I don't want to speak to him

Liam : you don't have to text him then

Louis : God you're so annoying

Scene 2.

[Harry Styles' Flat. 8:25pm.]

Harry : "turn that down Gems I got a phone call"

Gemma : "go outside"

Harry : (rolls eyes) "Hello?"

Louis : "Uh hi"

Harry : "who is this?"

Louis : "a secret admirer"

Harry : "what?"

Louis : (laughs) "you're so gullible"

Harry : "Louis?"

Louis : "yes?"

Harry : (gasps) "How d-did you get my n-number?"

Louis : "relax I was actually calling to speak to Gemma"

Harry : "what? Why?"

Louis : "I left today and I felt bad I didn't tell her"

Harry : "you didn't feel bad when you left me when I was trying to have a conversation with you?"

Louis : "this isn't about you. Can I just speak to Gemma?"

Harry : "I'm sorry"

Louis : "quit apologizing!"

Harry : "you always make me feel like I'm doing something wrong. I don't know what I ever did to make you hate me but I'm sorry"

Louis : "I don't hate you"

Harry : "so then why do you treat me this way? Only me"

Louis : "because.."

Gemma : "who's that?"

Harry : (turns to see Gemma by the door) (mouths) Louis

Gemma : "let me talk to him (grabs phone from Harry's hand) "Louis?"

Louis : "oh Gems! Hi"

Gemma : "what happened earlier? Why did you leave?"

Louis : "wasn't feeling so good that's why I called I wanted to apologize for just bolting like that"

Gemma : "it's fine. Are you feeling better?"

Louis : "yeah just a little headache that's all"

Gemma : "can we try this again then? I'm only here until tomorrow but maybe you can come over? Watch movies and I'll order pizza?"

Louis : "I don't know"

Gemma : "please Lou? You can pick the movie"

Louis : "okay fine. What time?"

Gemma : "around seven?"

Louis : sounds great. I'll see you tomorrow then"

Gemma : "yeah tomorrow. Do you want to talk to Harry?"

Louis : "no that's okay. Bye"

Gemma : (hangs phone up and hands harry) "sorry bro"

Harry : "you invited him over?"

Gemma : "you're welcome"

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