Chapter 28. (Conscience.)

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[Oliver's Apartment. 7:12am.]

Scene 1.

Eleanor rubs circles on Oliver's chest as she snuggles closer to his neck. He rubs her arms and places a kiss on her forehead.

Eleanor : "when are you going to tell Louis about us?"

Oliver : "I will soon baby I promise I just need to find the right time"

Eleanor : "I hate having to sneak around him"

Oliver : "me too"

Eleanor : (smiles) "Johannah already likes you"

Oliver : (chuckles) "I think she always thought I'd end up with Louis instead of you"

Eleanor : (rolls eyes playfully) "when she meets Harry I'm sure she'll take that back"

Oliver : (sits up and tilts head at her) "you think so?"

Eleanor : "Have you seen the kid? Beside being your typical sweet heart and gentleman, he's hot and Louis is a dick to let him go"

Oliver : "Jo would love Harry, I mean she loves baking"

Eleanor : (giggles) "we're more worried about my step mother liking Harry than she liking you"

Oliver : "yeah"

Eleanor : (kisses his nose) "she'll love you..and my dad too"

Oliver : (freezes) "your-your dad?"

Eleanor : "oh come on Daniel isn't that bad"

Oliver : "he didn't like me as Louis' friend imagine how he react when I tell him I'm fucking his daughter"

Eleanor : (hits him on the arm) "I'd be more worried about telling Louis than my dad"

Oliver : "fuck you're right"

Eleanor : "I'll be there don't worry" (places a kiss on his lips and smiles)

Oliver : (takes a deep breath in) "God I'll never get used to that"

Eleanor : "I have to go to work though, wish I could stay here all day" (pouts)

Oliver : "me too but I think Liam is doing inventory today, I have to help Zayn"

Eleanor : "bye baby" (kisses his lips again and rolls off bed slipping on her top)

Oliver : (groans) "bye sexy" (watches her stands and exits his room)

Scene 2.

[Abercrombie & Fitch. 8:39am.]

Josh : "Today's so dead. I mean where is everyone?"

Niall : "everyone's been ghost ever since Louis left"

Josh : "I don't even see Harry"

Niall : "na he's here I saw him in the locker rooms"

Josh : "and Zayn?"

Niall : "don't really care I think he's finally taking my advise"

Josh : "I still think that was a bit harsh looking back at it now"

Niall : "come on you and Oliver was thinking the same thing I just had the courage to say it"

Josh : "I think that's the first time I've seen Zayn proper cry"

Niall : "all part of the act I'm sure"

Josh : "pretty convincing"

Niall : "I really do not want to talk about Zayn anymore it's giving me a headache"

Josh : "okay so what's up with Oliver and Eleanor though?"

Niall : "one word, mess"

Josh : "I kind of like them together"

Niall : "I can't wait till they tell Louis"

Josh : "Eleanor seems really happy I'm sure he won't have a problem"

Niall : "Shows how little you know Louis. Did you forget the time I tried to hook up with her in Garet's party?"

Josh : "you were a drunk jackass. I'd beat your ass too if you tried to grope me"

Niall : "I thought she was easy"

Josh : "and you wonder why you don't have a girlfriend"

Niall : "you're one to talk"

Josh : "it's a choice for me unlike you"

Niall : "I can't believe I'm fighting with you"

Josh : "is that what this is?"

Niall : (rolls eyes and looks out and spots Harry) "Haz!"

Josh : (looks across the room where Niall is looking at too) "he's like a lost puppy"

Niall : "Louis broke his heart"

Josh : "already?"

Niall : "he forgot the date"

Josh : "Louis is like the worse date ever"

Niall : "he's not that bad"

Josh : "who forgets a date? Oh that's right Louis Tomlinson"

Niall : "I have an idea"

Josh : "oh god not again"

Niall : "what do you mean again?"

Josh : "I remember the last time you had an idea I ended up naked on the freeway"

Niall : "how was I supposed to know her parents were home?"

Josh : "I wish you wouldn't bring that up anymore"

Niall : "what the fuck you just..never mind. (shouts) "Harry!"

Harry turns and sees Niall and Josh standing in their spots. He smiles, waves and makes his way over to them.

Harry : "hey guys"

Niall : "you good?"

Harry : "yeah (hesitates) I'm fine"

Josh : "you're not upset about Louis forgetting the date?"

Niall : "wow you seriously need to learn how to be sensitive"

Josh : "you were thinking it"

Harry : "No he's right I'm fucking miserable"

Niall : "have you spoken to him?"

Harry : "he tried calling and texting but I just can't, I don't know if I could speak to him right now"

Josh : "damn it's not that deep"

Niall : "okay Josh you can leave"

Josh : (stares at Niall then at Harry) "whatever man" (walks off putting up the peace sign behind him)

Harry : "I know I shouldn't make it such a big deal but I didn't think it would hurt this much"

Niall : "Josh is an insensitive asshole forget him you can be upset if you want"

Harry : "I just really thought Louis was finally going to give me a chance"

Niall : "if it makes you feel any better he's really upset he missed the date"

Harry : "it doesn't"

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