Chapter 32. (Change of Plans.)

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[Joe's Pizzeria. 9:40am.]

Eleanor : "will you keep your hands to yourself? Louis will be here soon"

Oliver : (kisses her cheek) "and?"

Eleanor : (giggles) "stop babe!"

Oliver : "God I love it when you call me that" (glides hands over her body)

Eleanor : (whispers seductively) "babe"

Louis : (clears throat extra loud) "unbelievable"

Eleanor : (pushes Oliver away and stands to hug Louis) "Lou you made it!"

Louis : "don't touch me"

Eleanor (hugs him anyway) "I'm so glad you're here"

Oliver : "me too"

Louis : "me being here doesn't really mean I'm okay with...(gestures with hands) you two"

Eleanor : "but"

Oliver : (smiles) "he's a tough nut"

Louis : "your innudeos are trash" (takes a seat)

Oliver : "you love them anyway"

Eleanor : "Lou I spoke to dad and h-"

Louis : "he is not my father"

Eleanor : (sighs) "I spoke to my dad and he wants to have a family dinner Friday. He says its a great opportunity to meet (turns to Oliver and smiles) my boyfriend"

Louis : "he doesn't even know it's Oliver doesn't he?"

Oliver : "I thought you said you told him?"

Eleanor : "I want it to be a surprise"

Oliver : "I don't know El that man owns a gun maybe you should give him a heads up so he'll know what to expect"

Louis : "you're afraid to tell him aren't you? That's why you want me there"

Eleanor : "he hasn't seen you in over a year Louis he misses you"

Louis : "bullshit!"

Eleanor : "your mum misses you"

Louis : "I spoke to her yesterday"

Eleanor : "funny she didn't mention it to me"

Louis : "she doesn't have to tell you everything she does"

Eleanor : "then how come she told me about that time you and Zayn-"

Louis : "can we not talk about me and Zayn?"

Oliver : "he's right lets talk about him and Harry"

Eleanor : "is there even a him and Harry?"

Oliver : "well soon enough"

Louis : "what does that mean?"

Oliver : "oh nothing"

Eleanor : "wait you had that date with him right? How was it?"

Louis : (groans) "kill me"

Oliver : "his lazy ass didn't even make it to the date"

Eleanor : "what?"

Oliver : "slept through it"

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