Chapter 31. (Mortal Enemy.)

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[Zayn Malik's Apartment. 3:10am.]

Scene 1.

Nick pants heavily over Zayn, as he comes down from his high. Zayn shrugs and pushes him off. Nick drops on the side of Zayn still trying to control his breathing.

Nick : "that was fucking amazing babe"

Zayn : (digs into side draw and pulls out a cigarette. Lights it and sits up sucking the smoke then releasing it into the air) "you could show yourself out now"

Nick : (shocked) "what? We're not going to cuddle?"

Zayn : "I just let you fuck me what more do you want?"

Nick : "a cuddle" (playfully tickles Zayn on his sides but Zayn slaps his hand away and rolls his eyes)

Zayn : "it's late I have work in the morning"

Nick : "so..we..are like done here?"

Zayn : "it was nice yeah" (Zayn puts out his cigarette and turns away from Nick, snuggling into his bed)

Nick : "Un fucking believable!" (Angry he stands grabbing his jeans from the floor and slipping them on) "was it because of Louis?"

Zayn : (snaps) "It's always because of Louis!"

Nick : "you need a fucking life the kid's moved on!"

Zayn : "why aren't you gone yet?!"

Nick : "fuck you Zayn!"

Zayn : "get out!" (screams and throws a pillow at Nick)

Nick : "he'll never take you back Zayn not after what you did!"

Zayn : "I fucking hate you! Leave me alone! Get out!" (Yells as Nick exits the room slamming the door)

Zayn starts crying now that he was all alone, he looks at the tattoo of Louis on his arm and he starts to claw at it as if it would come off.

Zayn : (whispers) "I am over him"

[Vicinity of Louis' Flat. 3:48am.]

Scene 2.

Louis : "it took you this long to leave that wretched place I'm wrecked and my feet hurt"

Harry : "not my fault the asshole blocked my car"

Louis : "you parked like an idiot"

Harry : "are you saying I can't drive?"

Louis : "that's exactly what I'm saying"

Harry : "you know if you don't like my driving then why are you even sitting in my car right now?"

Louis : "I can get out if I wanted"

Harry : "well?"

Louis : "fine! Stop the car! Let me out!"

Harry : "you're such a big baby"

Louis : "I mean it Harry! Pull over!"

Harry : (soft) "you called me by my name again"

Louis : (yells) "Let me out!"

Harry : (pulls over and stops car) "you don't really mean th-"

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