Chapter 50. (What is Love?)

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[Sacred Heart hospital. 8:45am.]

Nurse : "good morning Mr. Styles and how are we feeling today?"

Harry : (sits up) "a little better. My ribs still hurt"

Nurse : "they were bruised pretty bad but other than that any other pain? How's your head?"

Harry : "I feel fine it's just my ribs"

Nurse : "okay well the good news is you can be discharged today. I'll just collect the papers and I'll be back shortly. I'll just go talk to your boyfriend about signing the release papers"

Harry : (shocked) "m-my b-boyfriend?"

Nurse : "oh I'm sorry. The cute guy outside with the pretty blue eyes is not your boyfriend?"

Harry : "um"

Nurse : "it's just that he's been here all night, slept in those God awful uncomfortable chairs outside waiting for you to wake up. Has been heckling me for hours wanting to know if you were okay"

Harry : (smiles) "really?"

Nurse : "yeah. He's was so worried"

Harry : (bites lip) "can you.."

Nurse : "sure I'll send him in"

Harry : "thanks"

Nurse : (by door) "so when are you going to tell him?"

Harry : (tilts head confused) "tell him what?"

Nurse : "it's not everyday you see cute boys hanging around hospital beds just for anyone"

Harry : (smiles) "is it that obvious?"

Nurse : "if cute boy outside is Louis then yes. You couldn't stop saying his name when you came in"

Harry : (hides face with hands) "I'm embarrassing"

Nurse : (laughs) "you're so cute" (shuts door)

Harry : (excited) "he likes me" (stretches hands to the ceiling) (groans in pain) "ouch maybe I shouldn't have done that"

Louis : (opens door and sees Harry holding on to his ribs) (alarmed) "are you okay?" (Closes door and makes his way to sit next to Harry)

Harry : (blushes looks down to his lap) "yeah"

Louis : "are you sure?"

Harry : (looks up) "I'm fine Louis" (stares at Louis) (bites lip)

Louis : (reaches to tuck Harry's hair behind his ear) "Good"

Harry : (still staring) (frowns when he notices Louis' eyes) "did you get any sleep?"

Louis : "you're worried about me when you're the one in the hospital bed?"

Harry : (smiles) "I guess"

Louis : "I'm fine Harry but I'm more concerned about how you're feeling are you sure you're okay?"

Harry : (shy) (looks down to his fingers on his lap) "I promise I feel fine it's just my ribs still hurt a bit"

Louis : (nods) "do you..(puts hands on top Harry) "look at me" (Harry slowly looks up at Louis) "do you remember what happened?"

Harry : (eyes widen) "I..yeah but I-"

Door opens.

Zayn : (frantic) "Harry I came as soon as I heard"

Harry : (shifts in horror) "Lou"

Louis : "Zayn? What are you doing here?"

Zayn : "Liam told me what happened I came to see if he was okay"

Louis : (smiles and hugs Zayn) "I'm glad you're here"

Harry : (rolls eyes) "yeah I'm fine"

Louis : (releases Zayn and takes Harry's hand) "barely"

Zayn : "how did this happened?"

Louis : "well I don't know Harry was about to tell me"

Zayn : "really? So how did this happen Harry?"

Harry : (nostrils flare) "I..(looks at Louis) "I was at the grocery store and (swallows and looks at Zayn)

Louis : (rubs hands with his) "it's okay Haz what happened next?"

Harry : (looks at Louis and smiles) "two guys just came out of no where and jumped me. I tried to fight them off but I was outnumbered"

Louis : "did you see who they were?"

Harry : "no it all happened so fast. I was using my hands as shield. I barely got to see their faces"

Zayn : (smiles) "Awww Harry that's horrible"

Louis : (sighs) "I won't let this go Harry. I'll find those bastards if it's the last thing I do"

Harry : "I just want to forget it"

Zayn : "I'm with Harry on this one"

Louis : "maybe you're right"

Zayn : "okay well I'm glad you're alright Harry" (to Louis) "I have to get to work but I was hoping we could talk?"

Louis : (nods) "when?"

Zayn : "my place say around seven?"

Louis : (smiles) "sure babe"

Harry : (gags) "disgusting"

Louis : "something wrong?"

Harry : "it's nothing"

Zayn : "great then I'll see you later Lou (kisses Louis on the cheek) "bye Harry!" (exits)

Louis : "that was strange"

Harry : "you're telling me"

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