Chapter 27. (Empty Promises.)

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[Manchester Park. 9:43pm.]

Scene 1.

Harry sits on the bench and looks out at the people that pass by. The wind is picking up heavy and the grey skies overcast indicating its close to night. His smile never falters as he fixes his silk shirt and passes his hand through his hair to smooth it. Takes his phone out his pocket to check the time. He blows out a puff of breath and bites his lips. He starts tapping his foot on the floor impatient. Giving up he presses Louis' number and listens as it goes straight to voicemail.

Harry : "where are you?" (Sighing he tries again but still no answer.) "I knew you wouldn't come" (close to tears he dials a number and waits for the person to answer)

Niall : (excited) Hazza! How's the date?"

Harry : (sniffs) "It's.."

Niall : "shit are you crying? What did he do?"

Harry : "he.."

Niall : "I swear I'll kill him!"

Harry : (breaks down sobbing) "he didn't come. I've been waiting for almost two hours now. He didn't even show up! He won't even answer when I call"

Niall : "that doesn't sound like Louis at all"

Harry : "I'm so stupid to think he'd actually give me a chance"

Niall : "I'm sorry Haz"

Harry : "it's not even your fault and besides I deserve it"

Niall : "don't say that no one deserves what he did to you"

Harry : "am I that bad Niall? Am I that fucking pathetic that he won't even go out to dinner with me?"

Niall : "you are an amazing person Harry and anyone would be lucky to take you out for dinner"

Harry : "anyone but Louis!"

Niall : "I can try to call him he might pick up if it's me"

Harry : "no I..don't do that it's fine"

Niall : "you atleast deserve a reason for this behavior"

Harry : "I already have one"

Niall : "Harry"

Harry : "I'll talk to you later Niall"

Niall : "don't give up"

Harry : (ends the call) (to himself) "I have to"

Scene 2.

Louis is sprawled in bed when the obnoxious ringing of his phone finally stirs him from sleep. He groans patting the night stand to retrieve his phone. His eyes are still closed as he presses to answer the call.

Louis : "mm"

Niall : (screams) "Where the fuck are you?! I can't believe you'd leave him waiting alone!"

Louis : (sits up abruptly) "what?"

Niall : "oh god drop the fucking innocent act Louis it's over"

Louis : (pulls phone away to check the time) "Fuck!"

Niall : "you have some nerve Louis. Harry has been nothing but nice to you and this is how yo-"

Louis : "I overslept"

Niall : "that's your excuse? You overslept? I expected better from you Tommo"

Louis : "it's not my fault I had..I just fell asleep"

Niall : "what were you doing?"

Louis : "I just had..nevermind. Is he mad?"

Niall : "the kid called me crying Louis!"

Louis : (passes hand over face) "I feel like shit"

Niall : "you should"

Louis : "I fucked up"

Niall : "bad"

Louis : "aren't you supposed to like motivate me, make me feel better blah blah blah?"

Niall : "you deserve all this shit so I'm not going to tell you besides I'm on Harry's side"

Louis : "should have known"

Niall : "what are you going to do about it then?"

Louis : "I don't know what should I do?"

Niall : "well for starters call him and apologize"

Louis : "I could do that. Wait..what if he doesn't answer me?"

Niall : "instead of guessing why don't you find out yourself?"

Louis : "right. Whatever. Okay"

Niall : "tell me how it goes"

Louis : "you'll be the first to know"

Niall : "good"

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