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Odell Beckham Jr
-2 years later-

Two years...two fucking years, I've been trapped in this hell hole. I've been locked up since they caught me after my high speed chase...which happens to be one of the most famous high speed chases in New York. Today is my court date though, my lawyer says they wanna out me away for 10-15 years because I killed Dewayne but he says that if we play our cards right, I could be outta here in a year.

"Wassup O, you ready for court?" Dom asked me.

"Yeah, I got a good feeling about this fr. Imma be Ight." I shrugged. 

Dom nodded his head and plopped down on his bed. When I came in here, niggas already knew who the fuck I was, they knew not to fuck with me. The first nigga they put me in a cell with was scared of me, he felt "afraid for his life" because of the shit he had heard about me. They put him in protective custody and I had a cell to myself for almost a year and then Dom came in.

He's sentenced to 3 years for violation of probation and driving without a license. He's quiet to, y'know what they say...watch out for the quiet ones. I guess somebody never heard that before because he felt the need to fuck with Dom....Dom broke three of the niggas ribs, dislocated his shoulder and almost broke his neck. They don't fuck with him either.

I grabbed my bible and started to read a random verse like I do everyday. I wouldn't say that I'm a devoted Christian but I'm working on getting my faith together. We have an older woman that comes in every Sunday and Wednesday, she preaches here..I've never missed a service since I got in here.

"Inmate..let's go. You got court.." The guard said.

I nodded my head and stood up, Dom stood up as well and sighed.

"Don't forget..He who has faith is wise and can achieve the best...Good Luck my brother.." Dom said.

I gave him a head nod."Thanks man."

He returned the gesture with a head nod as well and sat back down. I stepped out the cell and the guards walked me to the processing lobby. They put the handcuffs and shackles on me, escorted me out to the prison van.

I was sitting in the court room next to my lawyer. We were waiting for the judge.

"I think we can get you off..don't worry everything's gonna go great!" My lawyer was just too excited.

"William what the hell you so happy for." I asked him.

"Don't worry about it. Just know that you'll be outta jail by tomorrow morning." He smirked.

I shook my head and shrugged. The court room doors opened and I turned around to see who it was. It was Kehlani...what the fuck is she doing here?! I told her ass not to come.

We made eye contact and she smiled at me, I rolled my eyes and turned around.

"All rise for Judge Ryan Haynes." The bailiff yelled.

I ain't gon lie, I was nervous as hell but I had faith that everything would be good. As court went on they asked me multiple questions.

"You're honor..Mr.Beckham was simply trying to protect himself from Dewayne..as you can see in the video, Dewayne was provoking him!" William said. "We have witnesses, I'd like to call his cousin Reggie to the stand, who was present at the time of the murder."

Reggie walked up to the stand and sat down.

"Reggie, how long were you and you're cousin in town before the shooting?" William questioned.

"About 2 weeks." He answered.

"Why so long? What was in New York that made you stay so long?" William leaned on the witness stand.

Reggie sighed and put his head down in shame..he let out a shaky breath and stared at something behind me before speaking again.

"Dewayne wanted to go on vacation after he go out of jail and he chose New York. He also wanted to see Ava and Kehlani.."

William nodded."Why did he want to see them?"

"That was his ex-wife and his daughter..he wanted them both back.." Reggie looked like he wanted o die on the witness stand.

"So did Dewayne ever say anything that made him come of as violent or provoking?" William sighed.

"Well..he said.. he said that he would stop at nothing until he got them back, he was even a contract killer at one point." Reggie said.

"There you have it your honor. Mr.Macintyre was a provoking person! He didn't care and he would stop at nothing. Mr.Beckham was just protecting himself as well as his family."

William sat back down and Reggie went back to his seat. the whole way to his seat, he kept his head down. I heard a few laughs behind me and turned around to see Jarvis and Kav laughing..i wonder what the fuck they did. William grabbed a folder off the table and took it to the judge. The judge opened the folder and let out a loud gasp.

"We're gonna take a break..i need a few minutes." The judge got up and walked to the back.

William started talking to the jury on the other side of the room and i just sat there not talking at all. I heard Jarvis saying my name.

"Wassup Jar." I turned around.

"You coming home nigga, that's wassup. Don't even worry bruh, you gon' be outta here by tonight." Jarvis said.

I nodded and smiled, i looked over at Kehlani, I can't believe her...just trifling. She lucky I'm working on my anger and shit!. Once court had started again everything got quiet. The judge sighed and took his glasses off.

"Since Odell Beckham Jr was using self defense he will be released from prison and placed on level 4 probation for 6 months and must report to his probation officer three times a week, his curfew will be 11 o'clock and a house arrest bracelet will be placed on him." The judge banged his gavel amd got up from his seat.

My grandmother hugged me and kissed my cheek. "You're grandfather would be so happy"

"I know grandma" I smiled and hugged her.

My grandfather passed away from Kidney failure a few months ago, Kehlani turned to me and tried to hug me..i didn't hug her back, she tried to kiss me but i moved my face. I was getting another chance, thanks to nobody but God. He had given me multiple chances and i didn't think I was gonna get out of this one but he proved me wrong..

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