chapter 4

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if you dont like my cover, you can always make me a cover if i like itt! :D


The rest of the day was a blur, i just pretty much tuned everyone that was talking to me. I couldn't listen to people talk about the crash, it was already on replay in my head. I didn't want to hear about it to. Wasn't it bad enough that i lost my family, why would i want to keep hearing about. It just made everything hurt so much more then they already did.

When school was over i saw Connor walking over to me, i kinda hoped he wouldn't bring up anything about today or the crash. I didn't want to talk about either. " hey babe, wanna hang out at your house today, i thought we could rent some movies, get your mind off things"

" yeah sure" i said, i didnt really want to but, i already lost my family i couldnt loose my boyfriend too. "ill meet you at my house, are you gonna get the movies?"

"anything for you" Connor said with a smirk

i just laughed, gosh he is so cheesy. But it always makes me laugh, these days i didn't laugh as much. Its good having Connor around. i gave him a kiss before i got in my car and drove away. I pulled into my driveway as i parked in my garage, tears flowed down my face. It was just really hard not having them around.  I wipped my tears and walked into the house. i walked into the living room and there was a  man in a suit, in my house. i grabbed the closest thing i could find as a weapon, it wasn't so scary though because it ended up being a picture frame. Not always the best weapon.

" Hey you get out of here, i dont know what you want but ima call the police!, ya hear me. Get out!" i screamed

" Miss. Smith, i know you don't know me. I am the director of Child Protective Services, i am here to take you to your new home, here are your plane tickets. You will be leaving in 2 days, in that time you must pack all of the things you want to bring with you in luggage, or boxes all will be shipped to south Carolina. Your car will be shipped too."

"WHAT?!, south Carolina?" i was in shock. i didn't want to leave Connor, across the country. no this couldn't happen.!

"yes, that is where you cousin Debby lives. " he said firmly and rude, like i was already supposed to know.

"no, you must have a mistake i don't have a cousin named Debby, sorry wrong girl. Go find some other girl who lost her family in a car crash." i didn't mean to come out so mean, but i didn't want to leave.This guy was really getting on my nerve.

" Miss. Smith, I'm sorry but i am not mistaken, your parents said if anything were to ever happen to you, you were going to live with Debby, she is a very nice lady. I'm sure you'll love her." he said.

i heard the front door open, and connor walked in " hey whats going on here?" connor asked

" i was just leaving, said the man." Who i still didn't know the name to. "Hailee, here is your plane tickets, and any other information you will need, you will have a driver pick you up at the airport and you luggage will be picked up. alright?" said the man

" whatever" i sadi annoyed. he set the papers down on the table and walked out the front door.

" hey, what was all that about?" Connor asked, still confused.

" Connor, I'm leaving. I'm going to south Carolina" i said as tears began to shed from my eyes.

" For how long, i mean not for long right?"

"Connor, I'm moving there"

he dident say anything, he started to cry. Ive never seen him cry before. It made me cry even harder. He hugged me, and embraced me as we both cried.

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