Chapter 1 Reunited

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Rumples POV

The red mist started to clear, and the weight from my arms was gone.
I was back.
I looked down to find my old attire of dark leather trousers, puffy silk top, crocodile skin waistcoat and long boots reaching my knees before me.
Raising my hands slightly I turn them over to see long gnarled nails and glittering skin, almost green.
My hand went to my head and my fingers got caught in a spindly straw like mess.
I closed my eyes.
This is me.
But then I remembered why I was here.

"...Belle..." I fell next to her.
"...I'm so sorry my love...." I couldn't stop crying.
My love, my wife, the only person that I let inside, that understood me, is gone...
She's gone.

Opening my eyes I raced down to my dining room.
Magic surged through my hands and the large oak double doors flew open. Smirking at how good that felt my eyes searched around the room.
The smirk faded, turning into a smile, the joy actually reaching my eyes.
There it was.
Slowly I made my way toward it.
Taking the moment to admire it on all its beauty.
Belles chipped cup was upon a large podium. The white China glistened against the rare blue pattern.
This is what's going to help me find out exactly where she is.
I know she's in Regina's dungeon, but where exactly I do not know.
Closing my eyes I wave my hand over the precious cup, a gold shimmer appearing in front of me.
There she was.
Huddled against the wall.
Her dark hair tangled around her face, that and the thin blanket covering most of it.
But she's moving.
She's breathing.
She's alive!
My heart finally started to beat again. It seemed that since she left me, my heart was frozen, completely incapable of beating, but now, now I can feel it in my chest, I can feel her in my heart.

By the looks of the dungeon, she's in the right side.


A small voice echoed in my head.


Much louder and much angrier.

Rolling my eyes, with a flick of my wrist I was in front of my caller.

"Ah Regina, we have been back no longer than 5 minutes and already you need me," I giggled.
Looking at Regina's scowl I bit my tongue.
Her eyes were dark, but that was probably only because she's dressed in her evil queen attire, her lips as red as blood to match.
"Take us back," she hissed.
"Sorry dearie, no can do!" I waggled my finger.
"Now!" She yelled.
I shook my head.
"You know why I'm here," my voice was hard.
"Yes, of course I know, to find your happiness, but you took away OURS!" She screeched.
"You heroes always get your happy endings - why can't I?!" I yelled back, my stance just as aggressive as hers.
"Maybe because you are not a hero," her voice was lower, more menacing. She preferred talking in that tone rather than shouting, it gets through to people more.
But not me.
"But now I have my second chance, I can be," I replied.
"You and I both know you are not capable of that, you won't be able to resist the pull of your magic, and we both know that in a few weeks time, you will upset Belle once again, it's just your personality, this will all be for nothing!" She shook her head.
"You forfeited your own grandsons life, his mothers life, and they call me evil," she spat.
"I was well aware of the consequences of the curse," I gritted my teeth, still making eye contact.
"Your grandson!" She yelled.
"I don't have time for this," I turned my back before I could feel guilty.
I heard the crackle of fire and immediately span round to disarm a fire ball that Regina had headed right for me.
"I'm going to get Belle to stay away from you, if it's the last thing I do," she was shaking with rage.
"She won't listen to you," I didn't give myself a second to doubt.
"Oh I promise you, she won't want to come anywhere near you when I'm done with her, she is good, stiltskin, she deserves so much better than you," her eyes narrowed.
"Why in the world would she listen to you, she's sitting in your dungeons as we speak, is she not?" I asked her rhetorically.
Guilt rushed though Regina's face.
"I may not be her, true love, but I'm a hero, and that counts a heck of a lot more than what you are," she smiled.
"Good thing you won't get to her first," I raised my eyebrows.
"Wha-?" Before Regina could protest a black bracelet appeared on her wrist.
"And what is that?" She lifted her wrist.
"Little present," I giggled.
Regina tried to conjure another fire ball, but to my delight, failed.
"My magic," she gasped.
"Rumplestiltskin get this thing OFF OF ME!" She roared.
"Sorry Regina, not till I have Belle," and with that I waved my hand and suddenly I was in the dungeon.
It was extremely dark, only a few single candles were placed along the wall, them the only source of light.
The stench was overwhelming and my ears picked up the scurrying of little rat paws.
The quicker I find Belle, the better.
I knew which one she was in right away. The one furthest away from the door.
Peering in I see the Belle shaped huddle against the wall.
She flinched as I unlocked the door with my magic, the bolts screeching as I opened the door.
Seeing her again overwhelmed me.
"...Belle..." My voice rasped.
Slowly she sat up, her head turning toward me.
Her eyes were wide.
I ran to her, throwing my arms around her, her arms wrapping around me.
"I didn't think you'd find me," she breathed, her little chest pounding upon mine.
"I'm here, of course I'm here," I buried my face into her neck.
"What happened, why are we here?" She was full of questions.
"All that matters is that we are together," i held her tight.
"Yes, yes you're right..." She squeezed me.
I pulled back, my hands on either cheek, looking deep into her sparkling blue eyes blinking at me.
How i've missed her.
Missed her just simply looking at me.
"Now, let's go home," I said, kissing her forehead.
I had my Belle back...

Ahh first chapter!! How did you find it? Please comment what you think!! Thanks so much for reading - Amy :-)

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