Chapter 12 Dreaming of Her

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Rumples POV

My eyelids were heavy.
For the first time in years as Rumplestlitskin, I was tired.
I slapped my cheeks and widened my eyes.
Come on stiltskin, sleep is for the weak.
Come on stay awake.
You need to think...
Think how to get Emma....Emma back... And Belle... Belle... Belle....

I heard the shop bell go and turned around slowly, not in the mood for sorting out anyone else's problem.

My heart rose as my eyes mets soft, brown, curly, hair, shaping around a beautiful small, dazzling face.

"Belle," i sighed happily, acknowledging her.

"Hey," she said, her words almost lost in the big smile she gave me back, it reaching her eyes, making them sparkle.

"You're here early," I look down and check my watch,


We'd agreed to meet at 6:00.

"Well I had nothing left to do and- I, just, thought whats the harm in spending more time with my gorgeous husband," she said slowly, narrowing her eyes saucily, making it up on the spot.

"Ooh, that was a good one," I chuckled softly.

"Did that gain me some wife points?" She giggled, placing her hands on the class cabinet between us, leaning forward, closing the gap.

"Mhh.. I don't know...." I sighed, playfully, mirroring her stance, closing the gap between us even more.

"I think you'll have to do a little better than that, dearie," I winked.

Belle narrowed her eyes again and chewed her bottom lip. She knows that drives me crazy...

"Hm, okay, yes, I can do better than that," she nodded, I could see her thinking.

I cocked my head to one side, excited to see what she was going to do.

"Okay..." she said, a smile started to spread across her face, but she tried to conceal it, not very well, as to not ruin the moment.

Her hand slowly raised and stopped near the top of her chest, her fingers lingering on the ribbon at the top of her shirt. Looking back up at me, she didn't break eye contact as she started so slowly pull away.

"oooh..." I breathed out.

She knows exactly how to pull my strings.

I cleared my throat and step backwards, straightening up.

"Well Mrs Gold, I believe that there is nothing in here that will be of use to you, so, would you care to step into the back room?" I gestured to the curtain and raised my eyebrow, putting on my polite businessmen voice.

She cleared her throat also and straightened up, keeping her top up just by holding it.

"Thank you, sir," she nodded, walking past me, holding her head high.

Not being able to stand it any longer I push into her, making her squeal with shock.

I place my arms around her as the curtain falls behind us, a flick of my wrist and the open sign switches to closed, the front lights switching off, candles lighting in the room.

"Ahh..." She sighs.
"Found what you're looking for?" I asked, spinning her round to face me by her hips.
"Mhh..." She sighed playfully, telling me she wasn't fully content.
My eyebrow rose.
"Well, you know perfectly well that customer satisfaction is, so very, very important to me, can't have you leaving, un-satisfied now can we?" I said, trying so hard not to just lock my mouth with hers here and now.
"We?" She laughed, questioningly.
"Have you never heard the saying," I pull her even closer, "it takes two to tango?" My face was inches away from her, her bright eyes staring up at me.
"Two to tango, hm?" She said, nodding her head.
"And, what steps does this, tango, involve?" She said, keeping this going - but I couldn't stand it it any longer.
"Just me and you," I whispered, the sauciness gone and suddenly more affection and longing took over me as I tucked her hair behind her ear.

I have no idea how lucky I am.

How is this, beauty, with a man such as me?
She's sees the good in me. And hopefully something on the outside...
But no, looks don't matter, but she, she really is, something out of this world - out of any worlds.

The next thing I knew we were led on the backroom bed, tangled in each other's arms, tiny beads of sweat trailing our foreheads, our skin a little damp.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back on the pillow.
That was...glorious...
I sighed, all the stress and worry of the day suddenly gone.
Belle has that effect on me, even with just a look she can make me forget about darkness. Belle is the light.

"That was a big sigh," Belle shifted her arms around me more and looked up at me, her chin just about reaching my shoulder.

"Is everything ok?" She asked, frowning a little.
"Yes, yes everything is, far better than ok..." I said, kissing her forehead.
She closed her eyes as I did so and lowered her head, it leaning lightly against my chest once again.
"Good..." She whispered, her hand smoothing my chest.
"I love you, Belle," I whisper, not meaning to say it out loud.
Belle sat up a little and rolled onto her front, leaning on her elbows, her face inches from mine.
"I love you too, Rumple," she said, looking deep into my eyes.
How does she do that?
Captivate me, with one look?
She rested her chin on one of her hands and traced patterns with her fingers on the top of my chest.

"Is everything okay with you, my love?" I ask, picking up on a little vibe.
"Mhh, yes, yes I'm fine..." She said, still drawing invisible swirls onto my skin.
"Darling," I said, lifting her chin gently.
She rolled her eyes and sighed.
"I'm going to sound completely stupid..."
"Belle! You are the smartest women I know of," I shook my head, not letting her doubt herself.
She smiled thank you, before continuing.
"I just, I don't want this moment to end, it's, perfect..." She said, looking at me in complete awe.
Nobody had ever looked at me like that, not before Belle.
She makes me feel wanted.
Completely wanted.
"And well... Before long, someone's going to come along and...and ruin it..." She said sadly, her eyes dropping again, the swirly patterns started to be drawn again.
"How so?" I said, taking her hand in mine and squeezing it gently.
"I wish it could be like this, forever... But yes, yes I know, you are needed in this town and have to help many people and, and I'm glad you do, but..." She drooped again.
I waited for her reply, lifting her hand to my mouth and kissing it gently, resting it there.
"I don't know, I guess I just want you all to myself," she said, being honest, shrugging it off, leaning forward, kissing my forehead.
"You do have me," I said, cupping her face between my hands.
"All of me, completely," I smiled, meaning every word.
She understood that and nodded.
We led there for a couple of minutes, just looking at each other, taking each other in.
"Now..." Belle said after a while,
"You said it takes two to tango... So, it would only be fair to do it twi-" before she could finish I rolled her over and she giggled in shock as I looked down on her.
"If that's what the lady wants, you know that I'm more than happy to oblige..."

Rumbelle tacos - two of them woooo🎉 cute, fluffy flashback you all wanted😊
Please comment and let me know what you think!
Thank you for reading - Amy:-)

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