Chapter 24 Reminder

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Rumples POV

She agreed. She actually agreed to come back with me. 

To come home. 

As i re-appeared in my castle, my heart was bursting with excitement and love for Belle. 

I knew she didn't love Gaston. 

I knew it. 

She loves me. She loves me and she's coming home. I wish she could have just come with me, just now. So we could be happy again, together. But I understand she couldn't just leave, she needs to figure out a way she can leave without anybody realising where she's going and stop her. 

Belle hasn't said this directly, but I know she doesn't just want to disappear out of her fathers life, she doesn't want to leave him so suddenly. God knows why. The man clearly does not care about her if he would let her marry a man such as Gaston. 

So I am meeting her later, hopefully that will have been enough time for her to formulate a plan. 

With a new found spring in my step, i walked around my castle, unable to wipe the giant smile off of my face. 

I should really tidy up the place for when Belle gets here, she would surely be horrified at the mess and I don't want her to have to clean it all up, i would never ask her to - but she would anyway. 

And with that I flicked my wrist and objects started to rise and majestically fly around the castle until they reached their spot, all the whilst only one thing was on my mind.

"..Belle, Belle, Belle, Belle, Belle..." 

Belles POV

"Just getting changed!" I said, frantically trying to throw some clothes on. 

"Well hurry up darling, I need a word," it was my fathers deep voice that came booming through the wooden door.

"Just a minute..." I said, getting a little breathless at the rate I was moving at to look natural.

"Honestly Belle-"

Luckily I'd just planted myself on the end of my bed when my father barged in.

He looked around suspiciously, just as Gaston had done. I tried to give him my warmest smile and hide the fact my heart was beating a million times a second. 

What does he want? 

"Morning Papa," I said calmly, watching him. 

"Always late up, just like your mother..." Father sighed as he shuffled over to me, sitting down the bed next to me. 

My heart fell a little at the mention of my mother. Oh how I wish she could be here right now. She only ever wanted me to happy. Mother would never have made me even consider marrying Gaston, even if it benefitted the kingdom. I think she even would have liked Rumple, they have the same humour. I don't know... maybe she wouldn't have... but I'll never know...

"Can I help you Father?" I asked, after a few minutes of awkward silence. 

He sighed and shuffled a little. 

"What's the matter?" I asked, he cant seem to get his words out. 

"I just wanted you to know.." He paused again, "that, that what you're doing, marrying Gaston, helping unite our kingdoms..."

Oh dear, sickness started to spill into my stomach. 

Father sighed again and put both of his large hands either side of my face. They were heavy and i felt awkward and uncomfortable with them there, but I just smiled nervously.

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