Chapter 26 Wait.

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Rumples POV

I saw the small group of men approaching the castle long before they saw me. 

I chuckle as I realise they think they are being sly. Moving with the shadows they are getting closer and closer to my castle. 

It is not even fully dark yet, only sunset, I should be on my way to meet Belle right about now, but better deal with this first... How they think I cant see them... idiots...

"Found you! Now you cant to 50 and you find me, hm?" I laughed, appearing right in front of them. 

They all jumped in fright and raised their weapons at the same time. 

This caused me to giggle again. They know they cant harm me. 

"No? Shame, I was having such fun," i cackled.

"Rumplestilskin," one finally found the courage to speak. 

"Mh?" I said, spinning slightly to face him. 

"We are here to speak with you," he said in a low gruff tone. 

I rolled my eyes, "And there was me thinking you wanted to paint each others nails and brush our hair, another time perhaps?" I i finished with a high pitched giggle. 

I was going to say more but I bit my tongue, Belle would not approve. 

"I've been told you are quite the comedian..." The man said, not finding my joke funny.

"I do try," i said, slightly bowing sarcastically. 

"We have come to you, to take us back, to take everyone back," one of the others piped up.

"Ahh, you're friends can speak, my apologise, i thought they were mutes," I said, this frustrated them even more and they gripped their weapons tighter.

"Rumplestiltskin we are not in the joking mood, take us back - now!" The first man with the low voice mumbled.

I made my eyes wide and placed my hand on my chest, acting offended. 

"How abrubt, no please or thank you, your mother would be quite ashamed," I said, I'm not sure where this sudden savageness has come from. 

No matter how many times i try and deny it, there is a little spark in me when this happens, i enjoy it. I thrive from it. 


"Yes i know why you're here!" I snapped.

"But nobody is going back, not yet," i said, suddenly now serious. 

"Yet? You mean you are planning on taking everyone back?" A new voice asked, quietly. 

"Maybe, but then again, maybe not," i answered cryptically. 

"Take us back or I'll shoot you right here! So many people have loved ones, left behind in Storybrooke, some are parents, young children who have been left alone, lovers, mothers-"

"You know you talk far too much," I cocked my head to the side. 

If they were in my position they would have done the exact same thing i'm sure. 

"I'll shoot, I'll do it," he said bravely, aiming his crossbow right between my eyes.

With a flick of my wrist it flipped around, now pointing at him.

"I don't think you will," I spat. 

His eyes filled with fear and his brow started to sweat. 

"Now, you can all leave with your life, or not at all," I threatened. 

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