Chapter 25 A Plan?

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Rumplestiltskins POV

I need to something nice for Belle. Plan something special for her for when she returns home. But what... hm...

A new dress? A candlelight dinner? Both?

Yes both. And maybe a moonlight stroll after? 

I was so excited about Belle returning to me that all I wanted to do is make it perfect for her. So many ideas keep running through my head about what to do - and I want to do all of them. 

She deserves the world. Especially after what she's just been through...

Alongside the excitement is also a little anxiety. 

I cant mess this up. I cant, i wont. For if i do, i will lose her for good, forever. And who knows where she would go, certainly not back to Gaston. She'd have nowhere to go, nothing. 

A pang of guilt and pain hit my heart. I cannot let that happen to her. 

I have to be the man she deserves, the husband she deserves. 

I cant let her down. Not again. 

I walk over to the wardrobe and close my eyes. First things first, a lovely new dress. Much like everything from now on it has to be perfect. 

In my head i imagine the many dresses and colours i've seen Belle in through out the years - but of course, one stands out above the rest. 

The dress she was wearing the first time I ever saw her.

My eyes still closed, I tried to picture the dress as clearly as I could, waving my hand in front of me. The golden yellow that shimmered when the light caught it, the intricate details on the sleeves which rested just below her shoulders, the slim waist gliding down her small hips and then back out again, the skirt of the beautiful gown falling down to her feet. 

I opened my eyes and there it was.

Hanging on the wardrobe door right in front of me.


I smoothed my hand against the skirt, gazing at it in awe. Only Belle could wear a magnificent dress like this and still be the most beautiful thing of the both of them. It would simply out-do anyone else who tried to wear it. But Belle. It only adds to her radiance. 

Belles POV

My hands were clenched together so hard that my knuckles were turning an unhealthy shade of white. 

I paced up and down the garden.

He'll be here soon.

Have to make a choice. 

Well I have. 

But how do I tell him? 

So many people are counting on me. I cant possibly leave. How selfish that would be...

What do I say to him? 

How do I look my true love in the face and say that I wont go with him, that I cant. 

But I want to. 

How do I stand there and shatter his heart as I say that I cannot go home, start a family, a life with him again, and marry someone else...

Even if I explain a hundred times it is because of the threat of war he will never believe me and think I don't love him anymore. I know that is exactly what he will think. He will think it is his fault and it's not! It's not at all! 

And surely this time, this time if I turn him away, it will be the last time. It will have to be. Especially if I get married. It would be torture seeing him when I have another mans ring on my finger. A man who I despise. 

I thought I could love Gaston. But I cant. I never did and I never will it is as simple as that. 

Seeing Rumple would kill me. But not being with him will kill me also. 

So which is the lesser of two evils? Which one will cause the least heartbreak, for both of us? 

I don't know. I don't know. I don't know!

Rumple once said to me, a life without Belle French is a life not worth living. Well a life without Rumplestiltskin - ...

My chest grew tight and my shoulders shuddered. 

I don't want a life without him in it. Don't want a life where I have to follow and take orders from Gaston and everyone else around me. 

But I have no choice. 

After marrying Gaston the only way out would be, would be...

No Belle, don't be so stupid... You could never...

But could I? 

Would I ever? 

Well running away after the marriage ceremony would never work. Even with the help of Rumple's magic, they would find me. Or maybe that will infuriate Gaston's father and the threat of war would be even more serious? 

But if I ... If I... died... it would not be anyones fault... no-one could be angry... and there would be no need for war because we married. Our kingdoms would already have been joined. If i make it look like I was ill, or an accident even, then nobody would be at fault. 

I don't even know if that makes sense, or if it would even work. 

But that is the only way I can get out of this horrific path I have to take. 


A few days,a week maybe after we wed. 

But Rumple...

Should I tell him of my plan? 

No of course I shouldn't as he'd only do everything in his power to stop me. He would never approve or agree to my plan. 

I wont tell him. I wont tell anyone. 

This is best for everyone. 

Rumple can get on with his life, knowing that there is nothing more he can do. Gaston can find a new wife which i'm sure wont be difficult for him. And the kingdoms will still be joined. 


hey guys! sorry it has been AGES since I updated and sorry this ones a little short but i'm still debating what to do for the ending! I have two possible idea's that i really like and am finding it really difficult to choose which one I want to go with to make this book this best it can be :-) 

Thanks for reading please leave a comment -Amy:-) 

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