Chapter 2 Dancing

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Belles POV

The mist cleared around me and as it did I lose my balance - toppling into two strong arms.
Strong hands kept me balanced and my mind cleared to see two beautiful eyes staring into mine.
"Belle, are you okay my love?" His adoring voice came.
I was still too dizzy to speak.
"Sorry... I know you get dizzy and disorientated when i do that... I just wanted you home safely as soon as I could..." I brushed hair out of my eyes.
"...home..." I whispered, my eyes moving to see my surroundings.
Dark red carpets, walls and curtains with gold yellow patterns met my eyes. The large wooden table with one grand chair at the end, the tapestries on the walls, the spinning wheel - his spinning wheel.
We were at the Dark Castle.
At last my eyes fell back into Rumples, his face patient, watching me take it all in.
"Home," I smiled, sounding more confident and far more orientated.
"Our home," he replied softly, holding my face in the curve of his palm, his thumb softly stroking my cheek.
"Why, how? What happened?"
I have so many questions.
Why are we back? How are we back? What happened back in Storybrooke?
"You will know in all good time," he said, silencing me with a kiss on the forehead, "but now you need rest," he said, smoothing his hands down to my shoulders and squeezing them gently.
"No no I'm fine, just very confused?" I frowned trying to make sense of it all.
The thing is, I can't remember the last thing that happened in Storybrooke, I remember being there, everything that happened there, but not how we got here.
The last thing I remember is waking up in Regina's cell.
Was it all a dream?
"Rumple," I grabbed his arms.
His face filled with concern, "Belle?"
"Storybrooke, you, you remember it...right?" My heart was beating fast.
He sighed and he laughed in relief.
"Yes - yes of course I do! You did not dream that my darling," he shook his head fondly.
"Oh thank goodness..." I breathed out, relieved I wasn't mad.
"It was a terrible shock...waking up back in the cell..." I looked down.
"So it must have been, I can understand why you'd think that was all a dream, waking up in the place you were locked up for for years..." There was a hint of anger in his voice.
"I'll never forgive Regina completely for locking you up, away from the world, away from me..." He nodded, guilt running through his voice.
"Don't be angry with her... What happened - well it happened," I sighed, trying to be positive.
"But Belle I could have prevented it, not tossed you away, even, even searched for you-"
I leaned forward and placed my lips upon his, his voice drifting away.
My fingers ran through his long hair, getting caught in tangles then smoothing through.
His arms crept around me, one hugging my back, the other holding the back of my head.
Before long I pulled away, smiling.
"I don't need to know how we got here, or why, exactly right now... All I care about is that I am here with you," I smiled, respecting his decision to tell me later.
He smiled, only love in his magical eyes beaming down at me.
With a flick of his wrist, I looked down and I was wearing the most beautiful yellow dress, a light yellow thread spiralling in small patterns, the sleeves small frill, falling below my shoulders.
I gasped up at him.
He was wearing the blue tuxedo he wore for our first dance.
I realised then that I was wearing that same dress.
He looks so handsome, I can hardly take my eyes off him.
"Dance with me?" He smiled, raising his eyebrows, offering me his hand, bowing like a gentleman.
"I'd be honoured," I curtseyed, bowing my head slightly.
Our two hands fit together and his other hand slipped to my waist, mine placed lightly on his shoulder.
From a violin in the corner, beautiful music started to fill the room as we proceeded to glide around it.
He looked at me the entire time, only breaking eye contact when he span me around elegantly.
At some point we slowed and I rested my head on his chest, our arms still slow dancing, our legs swaying slowly.
Closing my eyes I sigh.
It's moments like these that take my breath away.
I don't want it to end...

Rumples POV

As much as I didn't want that glorious moment with my wife to end, I could see she was getting tired so I carefully guided her to the bedroom and lay her down.
With a wave of my hand she was in a simple night gown and she cuddled into the large covers of the bed, almost buried in them.
She is so small. So tiny - fragile even.
I need to protect her.
It's my duty.
My life.
Getting myself into more appropriate bedroom attire, I slip into bed beside her.
She subconsciously moved herself into me, burying herself into my chest.
How I've missed the way she does this.
The feeling of Belle holding me again overwhelmed me and my eyes started to tear up.
It worked.
I have her back.
She still loves me.
She's still here.
A pang of guilt hit me as I recall she didn't say anything about Noah...
Maybe she does not remember?
Maybe she never will?
Or maybe it just hasn't gotten back to her yet... It probably will in the morning...
I need to figure out what I'm going to say.
The truth - obviously, but, I don't know how she is going to react, after all I did give up everybody else's happiness for my own. Our own.
But I deserve it.
Okay, even if I don't - Belle does.
She deserves to live and have the happiest life I can possibly give her.
And because of what I did, she can have that.
She will have that.
When I tell her, she will understand, she has too.
I closed my eyes, the thought of her leaving me again unbearable.
I squeezed her tight and kissed her hair.
I'm not going to think about that now... All I need to care about is what is happening now, not about my future, for my future is right in front of me, cuddling into my chest, sleeping soundly.

New update! I finally updated I know!! Please comment what you think!! It's a cute chapter!! This one will be full full full of light happy cute moments!! Please please comment what you think!!
Thanks for reading - Amy:-)

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