Chapter 4 Calm Then A Storm

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Rumples POV

She clung to my arm and her head lolled dazily on my shoulder as we strolled though the evening sun-lit forest.

It is one of those funny days when the sun is bright and high in the sky, but is crisp and cold at the same time. These days are my favourites as the forest is lit with small streaks of sunlight streaming through gaps in the dark green tree's, like gold.

I looked down every now and again to check Belle is all right and i watch her eyelashes go from side to side, her eyes taking absolutely everything in, spotting all the beauty in her surroundings - little does she know that she is the most beautiful thing in this entire forest, entire land - entire world.

I dont want to look away from her beautiful face for a second, but I don't wish her to trip and fall over anything on the path, so I can only steal glances every so often whilst i guide her.

This calm cannot last for long. She will want answers soon enough and I will not lie to her again. I won't do it, I can't put her through any more pain than she already has been.

I mean.

She died....

I wonder what happened to her, after she slipped away from me. Surely someone as angelic as she went up to heaven? Or maybe her involvement with me sent her to the flames?

I cringe at the thought of Belle in the stereotypical hell, fire burning surrounding her.

I wonder if she remembers? I don't dare to ask, just in case she doesn't and it suddenly all comes back to her. But what if she does remember? What if she knows exactly whats been going on - maybe thats the reason she's so quiet now...

"You're thinking so hard i can hear your brain ticking," Belles soft voice broke my train of thought.

"Hmm?" I blinked, looking down at her.

I met her big blue eyes, already staring up at me.

"A penny for your thoughts?" she chuckled, realising i was daydreaming.

I laughed a little and rubbed her shoulder lovingly,

"Oh, just, taking in all of the world in its glory," i sighed, once again looking at my colourful surroundings, everything lit on fire by the evening sky.

She frowned a little, unbelieving.

"What's the matter," she stood in front of me.

"Cant a man bask at the world he lives in?" I winked.

"Well yes," she rolled her eyes, "but i know there is something bothering you, ever since we left, you have been, strangely quiet," she questioned.

She knows something is wrong.

Oh why couldn't I have piece for just a little longer?

''Not wrong as such...'' I replied, scraping around the edge of the truth.

Well, nothing is wrong, I have my Belle back.

"Rumple, please tell me," her eyes were wide, worried now, also a little sad she thought I was keeping something from her.

My face creased at the sight of hers, a pain in my chest at the thought of upsetting her, of losing her.

"But I just got you back.." I sighed accidentally out loud, my hands reaching to her cheeks, my eyes full of sorrow.

She frowned,

"Got me back? Where did I go?" she laughed, thinking me a little strange.

She doesn't remember.

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