Chapter 17 The Balcony

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Belles POV

Ever since my conversation with Gaston I've been filled with anxiety. What does he want? Will it be bad? He wasn't hostile when we met earlier? But is that just so I will meet up with him? 

I feel like I have to go, well I do because I said I would, but, but I feel like I need to take pre-caution. But how? It's not like I can have someone on call? Who could I ask? No that's silly, he wont try anything, not when he's in a different kingdom. 

It was morning when he found me, and ever since all i've been waiting for is sun-down. Half of me wanting it to be now, to get it over and done with, but the other half just wants to forget it ever happened and not go at all. 

Okay Belle. Distract. Distract yourself. 

Rumples POV

I watched her.

How her big blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight, the sun its self setting her gorgeous brown hair alive like fire. 

She had on a beautiful blue dress, simple but, small and delicate. Much like herself...

The only thing thats bothering me about her is, she's pacing. Why? Has something happened? She looks like she's fighting herself. I'd know, i've seen her do this before. Fighting a silent war with herself. One part of her wanting one thing, the other, well, another. 

It's because she always wants to do what's right. What's fair. Even if thats not what she wants, she will do what is just. What will benefit other people, not necessarily her. 

What could she be so divided over now, I wonder? 

Has something happened? 

I'm sure i'll soon find out.

Suddenly she looked up the sky. 

Her face grew a little grave. 

She took a deep breath and put her hands on her cheeks, closing her eyes. She opened her eyes and straightened herself up, before heading back into the castle. 

She looks nervous? Worried even?

I've been keeping a close eye on her? A very close eye? What could I have possibly missed?

Somethings going on. 

And I need to know what. 

Belles POV

I took a deep breath before opening the doors to the top balcony. 

I stepped forward and the view just took my breath away.

Wow. It's, it's so beautiful from up here.

The sun setting casted a pinky orangey glow upon everything. The warm air beginning to be cooled by a little breeze, but it was warm enough for me to not regret leaving my shawl behind. 

"...beautiful...." i breathed, leaning against the balcony top. 

"Yes you are..." I voice breathed behind me.

I span around. 

"Gaston," I said, covering up my surprise, not well as he started to laugh a little.

"Sorry if I startled you," he smiled as I turned back around to keep on admiring the view. 

I felt him appear beside me, and look out at the beautiful sight. 

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