Chapter 28 I Found Love Where It Wasn't Supposed To Be

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Belles POV

I could feel his hands caressing my shoulders. I knew it was him instantly. Nobody else sent sparks down my skin like he did. I could hear him breathing behind me, softly, his head buried into the back of mine so much that i could feel his warm breath on my neck. One of his arms was wrapped round underneath me, holding me close, the other on top of me, caressing my shoulder. How i lived for these moments. These moments of utter bliss and love in its purest form. 

I turned my head and watched his fingers on my shoulder. The consistency of Rumple's breathing assured me he was asleep. My heart was so full. Even when he was asleep he was showing how much he loved me. Slowly, as not to wake him i turned around to face him. He stirred a little, but fell back into a deep sleep, pulling me closer to him subconsciously. 

I stared at him, pulling my arm up from underneath the covers, brushing the fallen hair out of his eyes gently with my fingers. He was so at peace when he slept. He could just be himself.  No walls up, no defence mechanism ready to be switched on. Not the dark one. Not Mr Gold. Just Rumple. My Rumple. 

My hands started to trace the lines in his face. Each and every feature now mixing with my DNA. My eyes and finger tips stopped at the lines of his lips. How mine yearned to touch them. But I didn't want to wake him, so I settled for just tracing them softly.

I've never loved a man more. Not ever in my life. And I wont either. For as long as I live, there will never be anyone like him. Surely I could never find anyone else who would hold me, still protecting me even in his deepest of sleeps. Instinctively pull me closer at the slightest sign of danger. Who listened and cared for me so deeply. I never thought anyone would treat me the way he does. Like, like I'm the only thing that matters. 

I hope he feels the same way about me. I love him with all my heart and I hope I show it. Just how much I appreciate everything he does for me. Wether thats just the simple things such as taking my arm as we stroll down a street or holding me on the days when nothing seems right and he dries my tears as i pour my heart out to him. 

I truly love every inch of this man. Every eyelash, every atom. 

Suddenly the bedroom door burst open.

"Gaston!" I gasped as he stormed over and dragged me out of bed.

I screamed, but Rumple was still.

"Let me go! Rumple! Wake up! Wake up!" I screamed as Gaston dragged me toward the door, his arms squeezing me against him so tight, one of his hands digging into my cheeks in an attempt to make me stop screaming.

"Rumple!" I screamed.

Why isn't he waking up.

"Rumple help!" I screamed and fought as hard as I could. 

But Rumple was still sleeping. His face still calm, breathing constant.

Rumple wake up! Don't let him take me - don't let him take me-

I bolted upright.

My heart pounding.

My hair stuck to my face and neck which was drenched with sweat. 

My face drenched with tears, my throat dry. 

I put my knee's up to chin and placed my chin on them, hugging myself, trying to calm down. 

This is not good Belle. Second nightmare of the night. Second nightmare involving Rumple and Gaston. Second nightmare where Gaston dragged me away from Rumple who just stayed still. Unable to register my distress, or anything going on around him for that matter. Second nightmare waking up drenched in sweat and tears. Second nightmare where all I wanted was for him to hold me. Love me. Save me. 

But nobody can. 

Not even me.

Accepting the fact that there would be no sleep for me tonight, I opened my draw and picked out a match, lighting the candle on my bedside table, creating a glow in the room. Also from the draw I picked out the dark navy book and placed it on my lap. 

I traced my hand along the swirly gold writing. 

Romeo and Juliet.

I'd always wanted to be like Juliet. Have a romance that surpassed all others. Star crossed-lovers.

 I snorted. How naive I was.

Did I really think it romantic to die for the one you loved? To be so terribly in love that you'd die for the other. They make it look so simple. So, easy. 

It's terrifying. 

And in that moment, I realised my wishes to be Juliet had come true. How similar we'd become now that I want nothing more than to be myself. 

Rumples POV

The sun was rising. 

I swear it has only been a second since I watched it set. 

Only a blink and it's now morning. 

For hours I must have been sat here. Staring at the sky. Thinking. Not thinking. 

Mostly trying my hardest to stop myself from forgetting Belle's face. Picturing it in so much detail. Wiring it into my brain. Cant forget a single hair on her head.

The other half of me wants to forget. Wants to forget so badly. Forget how she made me care, how she made me love her. Want to protect her. How she made me want her to care for me in return, to love me, protect me. 

How could you do that to yourself Rumpestiltskin. Honestly believe that you had found true love. Found someone who would stay with you forever, because they wanted to. Because they chose to stay. Of course not. When did you forget that you are a beast. No-one can love you. And more importantly, you are incapable of loving. 

An icy tear started to roll down my cheek. I left it. I didn't wipe it away. I let it slide all the way down and drip down to disappear into my clothes. 

How did I let myself get like this. 

Right about now the old Rumple would be taking out his anger on someone else. Maybe starting a village fire after taking every penny they owned. Not that I needed money, purely for my own entertainment. 

I was waiting for the urge. The familiar sensation of hatred and anger to burn through me that made me want to break things, hurt things - hurt her.

But it hasn't come.

I don't think it ever will. 

I should want to hurt her. Break her. Break her like she's broken me. 

But I would never.

I love her.

I, still, love her. 


Hey guys! sorry its been SO long!!

But anyway sad chapter because well, this is one of my books and is it ever happy, nooppeee!! 

I've put a song at the top called I Found by Amber Run because it just sums up this SO will. Especially the chorus, "I found love where it wasn't supposed to be, right in front of me, talk some sense to me." 

ahhhhhh a rumbelle song for sure! So please have a listen and tell me what you think! Also leave a comment about what you thought of the chapter and the songs that remind you of our heartbreaking Rumple and Belle!

Thanks for reading -Amy:-)

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