Chapter 32 Villains Don't Get Happy Endings

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Rumples POV

I can hear them shouting. Yelling. Screaming. Whooping. 

The people of the town are coming for the beast. 

And I say let them come.

What do I have to live for?

I could run. Disappear in a puff of smoke. 

But where would I go?

My mind would go straight to her. 

But i cant. I cannot go to her. Because she doesn't want me to. 

She never  will.

I stare down at the chaos unfolding beneath me, the crowd approaching the door. 

They are so close. They will get past the double oak doors soon. They will be running up the stairs. Bursting through the door behind me.

When will the panic set in? 

When will i change my mind? Flick my hand and be far, far away from here.

Will I?

My heart does not quicken its pace. My hands are not shaking. 

I wont change my mind.

I once said, "a life without Belle French is not a life worth living."

That has not changed. 

Belle POV

I grip onto the reigns, my whole body leant forward, racing through the trees. The trees should be harder to dodge than they are but the horse I am riding seems to know the mission I'm on and is darting between all of them, taking the right paths to ensure maximum speed is maintained. 

My mind is racing. 

Flitting between two things. 


And the guard.

Is Rumple alright? Have they got to him?

Who is the guard? Why did he help me?

Is Rumple still alive? Please be alive. 

What if the guard had not helped me? Is this really happening? 

I must be dreaming. 

I must!

I surely will wake up and be married to Gaston and trapped in the castle I will have to call my home.

I raised my eyes to the sky and my heart skipped a beat as I saw the dark turrets of Rumples castle in the distance towering above the trees.

Nearly there.

Please be okay.

Please be alive Rumple.

Please. Be. Alive.

Rumples POV

They are still coming. 

Fast but slowly. 

You'd think I would want them to stall. 

To take as long as possible to get here. 

Would want my final moments to be long.

I wish it would be over with. 

i wish I could be done with.

Then I cant hurt anyone anymore. 

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