Chapter 21 I Need To See You

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Belles POV

As soon as we got home later that day I politely excused myself to my room.

I basically ran up the stairs, shut the door behind me and collapsed onto my bed, kicking off my ridiculously high shoes. 

And then the tears came.

So many tears which I had held in all day, since the first castle we visited.

I couldn't imagine myself living in any of them. They were all so far every from everything, from everyone. Miles away from our little town and even further from my fathers castle. Is this what Gaston wants, to completely isolate us from everything around us? 

I sighed and wiped my eyes, stop overreacting Belle. You know Gaston likes having his own space, where no-one can bother him. 

But do I want that? Well, I actually can't think of anything worse. How lonely it will be... Yes I will have Gaston, but he is usually very busy, so it will just be me, roaming around a dark, empty castle. The roaming around aimlessly only means one thing. I'll have plenty of time to think about my past. Im the kind of person who keeps themselves busy, to forget. Being alone all the time will only ache for Rumple and my old life even more than I already do.

 Oh come on Belle!! Why don't you just accept that things will never go back to the way things were. Rumple doesn't want you, he doesn't want you... And you, you can't want him...

But I do. My heart truly has a gaping hole, him the missing piece. Oh I know how silly that sounds, but, it's true. When I lost him, I lost a part of myself... So how am i supposed to stay strong and forget, when a piece of me is missing? How can I move on when i know exactly what, or who that missing piece is! But, Gaston and my new coming family will have to do. It will have to...


His voice made my heart stop. 

Did I really just hear that? His voice?

Am I dreaming? Hearing voices now?

I gulped, not wanting to open my eyes and meet the disappointment of my empty room.

"Belle..." his voice came again, more of a whisper this time. 

It was real. 

My eyes snapped open and i shot up. 

And there he was. 

Rumplestiltskin. The only man who I have ever truly loved. Right in front of my eyes. 

My mouth gaped open. 


"...Rumple..." was all i could muster. 

Rumples POV

She was so confused. 

I could see the questions running in and out of her mind.

Why was I here? What did I want?

Her mouth was moving, but could not form those words.

All I want to do is run right over to her bed and hold her. Feel the electricity that runs through my body when I touch her skin and bury my nose in her hair, breathing her in, her scent filling my nostrils, my hands holding her tight, her little hands clutched to my shirt, her face buried in my chest. 

But I have to contain myself.

Slowly she moved herself to the end of her bed, and delicately slipped off the end. 

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