Chapter 30 Going to the Chapel and it Hurts like Hell.

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Rumples POV

I physically cannot do it. I cannot live without her.

I stare around the room, darkness creeping in from every corner, the large heavy drapes were all covering the windows. I cannot bare the sunlight. Not if she isn't here. She was my sunlight. And now she is gone. Getting married to someone else.

I brought us back here so we could be together, for our second chance... how have things gone so wrong? 

But at least she's alive...

But is she happy? She cant be! Not with him! 

She does not love him - i know it, i know she doesn't! I don't know how, i just do. 

I head for the door but sharply turn around and race my hands through my hair in frustration.


But what if she really does want to be with him, that vile man. What if that is going to make her happy? All i want her to be is happy... but safe too and she is far from it with that - that monster!

Should I go? Sweep her out of the castle and take her far far away. Surely she wants that. Why does she suddenly want nothing to do with me - after all these years! 

"Too much mistrust..."

Her shaky voice echoed in my ears. 

A burning sensation shot through my heart and I closed my eyes.

I know i've hurt you Belle...but i love you. I love you. More than I've ever loved anything else in the world. You are all i have left. Without you? Nothing. I have nothing, I am nothing. 

I turned back around and stared at the door. 

With a snap of my fingers I could be there, with her in my arms, shielding her from the Gaston and her father. Taking her away, giving her a better life. Could I give that to her? I want more than anything to...but...but can i, really?

I gulped.


I cant. 

I'm the dark one. That's who i am and no matter how hard she has tried before, she cannot change me. I cannot change me for this, this, evil, it does not just reside inside me, it is me. I am evil just as she is goodness and light. And when do those two thing ever coincide? Maybe we've been trying too hard for so long to make it work...and it just...cant.

No matter how much I want it to. 

But if i don't go, if i let her marry him, live her life in the direction it's going in right now, I'll never not want to see her. I could never forget about her, would never wish to make myself forget the one bit of love i ever felt. 

I'd protect her, from a distance - but will that kill me? 

Maybe... But I'd rather she be happy than I.

But if there is no need for me to protect her... then there is no need for me at all....

Belles POV

I could hear guests chattering even before we reached the church door.

It sounds like a lot of people. Not a single one that I know probably. I don't know enough people to make that noise. It will be all of Gaston's snooty family, his drunkard arrogant friends no doubt... 

My father nodded his head at a guard and he walked inside, presumably to tell them I was here and that I am ready.

I'm not.

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