Chapter 14 The Ball

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Belles POV

Dead on time, Regina came back and collected me when I was done changing into the beautiful dress.

It fits me perfectly and, the colour, it's so breathtaking! Regina really knows her stuff when it comes to beauty and clothes, well much more than I do anyway.

I've never really cared much about what I wear, I mean, I have my unique style, but I've never really worried about it too much, until now.

I just know everyone will be judging me, they will see he is not at my side, they will know he left me. Left me all by myself to face all of them.

"Regina I don't think I can do this," I stopped just before the top of the staircase of the grand hall.

"Yes you can, don't think about other people, who cares what they are all thinking? What matter is that you hold your head high and pretend like you don't hear them and most importantly, that you couldn't give two red apples!" She raised her eyebrows, knowing I wouldn't appreciate it if she cursed.

"Besides," she said, linking her arm in mine, "If I have to endure this, so do you," she chuckled slightly.

We both took a deep breath and stepped forward, into the bright lights of the ballroom.

All eyes swept up to us as we slowly entered and made our way down the many, many steps.

Why must there be so many...

I can feel all their eyes upon us - upon me.

Why are there so many...

Don't trip, don't trip...

I felt myself wobble but luckily Regina held me up strong, my nearly fatal fall covered up.

I smiled a thank you.

At last we reached the bottom and she squeezed my arm and let go, wandering over to Robin.

I smoothed out my dress and took another deep breath.

Yes, deep breaths, they will get you through it.

That was when the whispering started, the raised eyebrows, the confused looks and the lack of eye contact.

Ignore them. Ignore them.

I headed over to the punch bowl and poured myself a glass.
Sipping it gently I hug myself and head to the nearest available seat.

I look around me and take in everything. All the beautiful women in their beautiful gowns, being twirled by those perfectly perfect suiters. Dance after dance after dance...

Rumples POV

I watch her, gazing at the rest of the ballroom and it's party goers, sipping her drink sadly.

She should be one of those people. Dancing, having the time of her life, with the love of her life...

The wanting look in her eyes makes me feel wracked with guilt - not that I don't feel that way already.

She shouldn't be sat there, all by herself, watching everyone else having a good time around her, whilst, whilst she's sat their, alone...

God she deserves to be swept off her feet and twirled around until she can dance no more.

I can't bare to see her like this. Ostracised by everyone around her. Rather annoying to see that Regina is the only one fully comforting her... Well... At least she has someone...

But still, she doesn't deserve this.

Belles POV

I sighed, my hand resting on my cheek, my back fully turned from the dances.
It feels like hours since Regina and I came down, surely I can leave now?

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